Wednesday 23 December 2020

Fun With the Kiddos (Dec.18, 2020)

Baby F wanted to stay over last night so we let her.

My Honey had to work today and so did I (from home of course) but my sister was going to be around so she offered to watch her when she got up.

She slept in pretty late, until almost 9:30 and the first thing she wanted to do was have a bath so my sister put her in there.

She wanted Grandma to get her out though.

I didn't mind, we made some silly faces together in the mirror.

Grandma and her girl.

Her Dad came down to get her around lunch time.

So I headed out for my lunch time walk.

It was another white day out there - a bit chilly but not too bad.

After supper, we played charades with the kids.

Mr D acting out 'Sumo Wrestler'

We had to help Mr H because he can't quite read yet but he did a good job of acting them out.

Baby F wanted to copy everything he was doing.

Because she couldn't really play charades, we had a little dance party just for her.

Ever since we laughed so much at her saying 'I not tired, I just Freya' she says it all the time now.

She had to have a dance with Daddy before he left.
She wanted to stay over again so we let her.
She is having a grand time with all the kiddos.

Trying on the Christmas shades.

My Sissy J and Mr D.

We couldn't convince Mr E to try on a pair of the Christmas glasses.
He's way too cool for that!

Mom is just so happy to have everyone around.

More dancing happened.

Just sitting in her little throne lording over everyone.

Coolest little dudette in the world right there!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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