Tuesday 15 December 2020

Baby F for the Weekend (Dec.12. 2020)

I woke up early this morning and Baby F was cuddled right up to me so I stayed in bed and just enjoyed having her there with me.

When she did wake up, the very first thing she said was 'Baby Shark phone' so My Honey hooked her up with YouTube on his phone.

We stayed in bed for another half hour so watching videos together before we finally got up.

She just loves her little videos this one.

We did finally get up though and Papa got her a bubba ready (on her demand).

I got busy finishing up the Christmas tree.
It's the thing I like decorating least so I was happy to get it done.

My Honey made his own corned beef.
He picked up the cut of beef and put it in a brine about 2 weeks ago and he finally cooked it last night, low and slow.
He was really happy with how it turned out.

It's nice and pink all the way through and it smells just fabulous.

He made a mini sandwich for us to try and it was so yummy that I made a wrap for myself.
He is just such a fabulous chef.

I tried to get Baby F to eat some but she wouldn't, so I got her some deli turkey and she did like that.
The faces she makes though.

Just hanging out!

Making faces.

She started this new thing lately where she chews up her food then opens her mouth and looks in the mirror (or phone in this case) to see her chewed up food.
Silly girl.

Mom came and picked her up around lunch time and she went home for the afternoon.
My Honey and I had some stuff that we had to get done and her mom and dad wanted to spend some time with her.

They brought her back around 7 though for another sleep over.

I'm telling you, she could move right in with us and we wouldn't mind one bit, we'd love it.

Singing with Papa.

Papa is worn out I think.
He wasn't sleeping though, just resting his eyes 😁

To be fair, it was getting late so we convinced Baby F that it was time for bed.
She was into it when we told her she could bring her baby.

Getting her baby all tucked in.

She is such a little sweetheart.
If only she fell asleep as easily as she went to bed.
I think it was 1:30 before she finally fell asleep.
It's all good though - it's the weekend and we can sleep in as late as we want tomorrow.

And we did have the most magical Christmases!

Today was my dad's birthday and I totally forgot to call him.
I thought about it a few times today but at the store and while out for my walk so times when I couldn't call.
I will have to call him first thing in the morning.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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