Monday 7 December 2020

Winter is Melting Away (Dec.4, 2020)

Another day of working from home. 

It does have its perks!
I made myself this little rice cracker, hummus & turkey platter for breakfast.
It was so good that I made it again for my lunch.

It was another gorgeous day out there so I got out for a nice long walk on my lunch break.

I don't think I've ever seen the grass here in town in December.
It's been so nice that it is all melting and I am definitely NOT complaining!

After work today, I got busy sewing up some trees.
I'd picked up a scarf at the second hand store last weekend and I was able to get 7 trees out of it.
It has a bit of glitter to it so I really like it.
I was having a lot of trouble with my sewing machine while sewing them though, I thought it was because of the knit material.
It wasn't.
I had cut some trees out of some corduroy fabric too that I picked up and when I went to sew them, I realized that my sewing machine will only sew in reverse.
It's like it is stuck but I don't know how to fix it.
Looks like it might be time for a new sewing machine!

My son brought Baby F over for a visit with me, he had some things to go do.

She fell asleep almost immediately after she got here though.
That gave me some time to hand sew the part on the trees that I needed to.

She woke up when My Honey got home from work and wanted to dance, dance, dance!

She was hiding under the blanket pretending that she was a ghost - it's a new thing she started doing lately.
She loves to pop out and 'surprise' you!

Queen Cleopatra

I'm not tired!

Dance with me Daddy!

Made sure I got my 10,000 in today, still a little bummed about yesterday but that doesn't mean I'm not going to continue to get 10,000 steps every day for the rest of the year!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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