Wednesday 23 December 2020

Discovering Jackbox TV (Dec.20, 2020)

I actually slept in a little this morning, until around 8:30 am, I think I needed it!

When I did get up, my sister and nephews were already up watching an Avenger's movie.

They are kind of still on Atlantic time so they have been getting up super early.

Mr H and Miss A slept in a bit later but they needed it, they were up late.


My Honey was busy at work preparing for their Sunday bbq.

He made this giant meatloaf covered in bacon - bet it is going to be yummy.

He also made a couple of pies, one of them is a new invention of his, creamsicle pie, and I can't wait to taste it.
I'm hoping there is a slice left that he can bring home for me to try.

My sister made the kiddos pancakes for breakfast and I made myself an omelet.
I'm really going to try to stay away from the darn nuts today - I swear, they are my kryptonite.

I made sure to get out for a walk today.
I needed the steps and the fresh air and it was a bit windy but not too bad.
It always feels good to get a walk in.

BH made herself a sign just like the one we made for NCT.
It turned out great!

NCT wanted to use the projector screen at work to draw out another stencil for her hubby to cut out so she dropped by this afternoon and picked me up and we went to the office and got that done for her.
She's making a sign that says 'Happy Birthday Jesus' to put between two angels that she has.
She's always busy doing something and just lucky for our town that she is totally focused these days on beautifying it!

I stopped down at the hardware today and noticed my shelf is almost empty so I really want to get a few more things completed to add to it.

The kids all went over to my brothers for a visit this afternoon and my mother and sister headed over to visit my niece.

I opted to stay home and work on getting some of these completed.
I got a lot completed.
The gnomes just need beards and noses added and the snowmen need the detail work.
I'm hoping to get them done and down to the store tomorrow.

I agree although I wouldn't paint the whole country with the same brush.
I do agree though that just handing out money doesn't solve anything - most people don't want handouts, they want the opportunity to be able to work and provide for their families and not supporting oil & gas and getting pipelines built is really having a negative affect on the whole country.
It's really a disservice to our whole country.

My son dropped by tonight with Baby F and my niece Miss M came over as well to hang out and play games.

My sister introduced to to Jackbox TV.
She'd played if before and said it was a lot of fun so we figured out how to buy it on the Amazon Firestick.
We picked this pack and once you get it on the tv, everyone who wants to play just logs into their phone and plays from there.
We tried a few games.
You Don't Know Jack which was a trivia game - it was fun but it has a limit of 4 players.
Then we tried drawful - it can handle up to 8 players and it was a lot of fun, it ended up being our favorite and it was kid friendly for the most part - my sister did have to help her boys a little.
We also tried Word Spud but we didn't understand it and we just turned it off a few minutes in.

All in all, we really enjoyed Jackbox TV and I think I'll likely end up buying a few more games.
They aren't cheap though so I want to make sure I buy a pack that has some good games in it.

I did end up getting into the nuts tonight so I'm dreading weigh in tomorrow.
Maybe I need a bit of a gain to put things into perspective?

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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