Tuesday 15 December 2020

Christmas Baking - Check! (Dec.13, 2020)

We went to sleep late last night so this little miss had a nice sleep in this morning.


They just look so angelic while they are sleeping.

I swear I could just lay there and stare and marvel at her for hours.

I did want to get a few things done though so I turned on the star light so she wouldn't be scared when she got up and left her to her sweet dreams.

I got up, got laundry started, did the dishes and got ready to do some baking which was what I planned on doing today.
Then I made a coffee and sat down to enjoy it.

I found an oldie but goodie movie to watch.
Baby F got up just was it was starting so she sat and cuddled with me while I watched it.

She wasn't there very late, her mom came over to get her just after the movie finished.

I had some leftover pie crusts so I picked up ground pork and ground beef and tried my hand at making a tortierre.
I just added a bunch of spices and hoped for the best.
They turned out pretty good but I still like the meat pies with pork and turkey better.

I got the insides of the last three piggy banks for the kids painted and let them drip dry.
I was looking at the first two I did and I think I may have to do another coat on them.

Then I made chocolate chip cookies.
I saw on a vlog this bakery that made chocolate chip cookies and the tops were covered in mini chips so I wanted to try that.

Paddington's activity for the day.
My Honey got out for a run and then he headed out to the garage to work on a bench for our dining room table.
We can't push all of our chairs in around it at the same time so I wanted to replace the back chairs with a bench.
It's so nice to have someone who is so handy that build me all of the things I dream up.

It was really cold out there today, -25C, but I still needed some steps so I went out for a walk to the store.
I made sure to bundle up nice and warm.
I needed some eggs and I picked up a salad kit for supper.

It was just turning dark and even though it was cold, it was a lovely evening for a walk.

When you dress appropriately for the weather, it's actually not all that bad out there.

When I got back home, I made a batch of haystack cookes.

Then another batch of chocolate chip cookies.

I also made 11 loaves of banana bread.

I ran out of cooling racks so these had to stay in their containers a little longer - I was worried they might get soggy but they didn't.
I also made a batch of rice krispie squares but forgot to take a picture of those.

I was feeling great that I got so much baking finished but bad too because I did a bit more sampling than I should have.
I had a slice of banana bread, a haystack cookie, two chocolate chip cookies and a piece of rice krispie square.
Weigh in is tomorrow so I'm worried that I might be up.

I don't want to never have any treats again but I just felt like I overdid it today.
So after everything cooled down, I packaged it all up to give away.
I made 5 boxes full of goodies and tomorrow I'm going to deliver them to my son, my brothers, my niece and I made JRA and BN each one too.

More pictures of our family Christmas trees, this one belongs to my cousin, CG in PEI.

Another FB memory, Miss A back in 2014 - she has grown up so much since then.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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