Friday 4 December 2020

Solo Christmas Shopping Trip to the City (Dec.2, 2020)

I took the day off today so that I could run into the city and do a few things.

I was hoping that it might be less busy seeing as it is a week day.

They called me from Jeet video last week to let me know that my film was ready to pick up so that was one of the main reasons for my trip.

I was up early and on the road by 7 am with my Christmas tunes playing.

It was 9 degrees out there this morning when I left - practically summer!

Exactly 40 minutes later though when I hit the Fort, it had dropped to -9.

It didn't stay there though - it kind of hovered right around 1 for the most of the day so it was a good day for shopping and getting in and out of the car.

I made stops at all kinds of places today - got lots of last minute things and picked up the video.

I can't wait to watch it!

My last stop was at Superstore and I grabbed myself some california rolls for the drive home.

I'd barely eaten all day and I was starving.

It was about 4 pm when I hit the road for home.

The california rolls ended up being awful, dry as a popcorn fart so I stopped in BH to get myself a drink and I got some shaved turkey deli meat and ate that instead.

It was 6:30 on the nose when I rolled into town and a favorite song of mine was playing - I was switching back and forth between Christmas and Broadway the whole way home.
I stopped by the office to pick up some parcels that were there for me and print off a few things I needed then headed home.
It was 7pm when I got there and I just finished unloading everything when My Honey got home.

We sat down together and watched the rest of The Christmas Chronicles 2 - it was really a good movie.
We both enjoyed it.

A bunch of the Hallmark movies that were released this year.
I've watched a few of them - I don't think I'll get to them all.
I want to make sure I watch some of the classic Christmas movies that I love - I kind of missed out on that last year.

This looks so fun - will totally have to go do it over the Christmas holidays with the family.

So cute.

This struck me as so funny.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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