Wednesday 9 December 2020

Sunny Days and Christmas Movies (Dec.8, 2020)

 Oh sunshine, how I love thee!

I got out for my lunch hour walk again today and it was so nice.

It's supposed to turn cold again tomorrow so I made sure I went for a nice long one today - my whole lunch hour pretty much.

More selfies when I got home cause I was feeling fine!

I think I maybe at the point with these jeans that I need to let them go.
They are pretty saggy.

Side view just for comparison sake.

I got up early this morning and had a bath AND did my hair which likely contributed to my feeling so great today.
Just doing my hair makes such a big difference.
I still need to get the grey covered but the hat did the trick for today.

The pictures we had taken of Baby F the other night got posted today.
I like this one of her and her mom together.
Would have been nice if my son could have been in it too but he had to work really late that day so couldn't make it.

She liked being in the little truck and I think it made for a great picture.

I like this one too where she is sitting backwards in the truck - what a great prop!

I had a massage tonight and I was so looking forward to it!
I had one booked on Oct.29 but it was cancelled and this was the first time I could get in since then so it's been a couple months.
Just in the nick of time too because the provincial government announced today at 4 that they are imposing more restrictions to try to slow the spread of Covid because it's kind of out of control.
So lots more things are being shut down for 4 weeks starting on Sunday and massages are one of them.
I am so tired of Covid - I wish the vaccine would hurry up and get here.

I sat down after supper tonight and put on one of my all time favorite Christmas movies to watch.

It's so good.
I crack up every time when the guy at the department store announces that Santa is coming tomorrow and Buddy starts yelling "Santa, I know him" and I choke up every single time at the end when Santa's sleigh is lifted into the air with Christmas spirit and flies above the crowd in Central Park.

I want to make sure to watch all my favorites this year so I'm consciously making the effort to do so.

Paddington cuddled up on the couch with me to watch it.

Ha ha.

This little video had this song playing that I liked (circled) so I want to download it.

I like the look of the tree in the metal container - would like to do this outside.

Well that is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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