Thursday 3 December 2020

Weigh In Day and Gnome Production (Nov.30, 2020)

Weigh in day today.
I've been feeling big this week so kind of was expecting to see a gain even though I have been on plan.
I did use up some of my weeklies, but not all of them so I guess we'll just see.

Weighed in at 202.6 lbs.

So that was a loss of .4 lbs which is just fine with me.

70.4 lbs gone in total now.

Onederland is so very close.

I had a very long meeting this morning, 4 hours.

It was our WCSS meeting, normally we would have had our 2 day conference at West Edmonton Mall but due to Covid that had to be cancelled.

Kind of a bummer because I look forward to that each year.

I had a real exciting lunch, rice crackers, laughing cow cheese, deli turkey and a chocolate mint candy to finish it all off.
It was actually really good.

I took pictures of some pictures with my phone so I could get them blown up to put in frames.

I was looking for Christmas ones of my brothers and sister and I but this was the only one I could find for now.
At lunch, I walked down to the Rexall and got 5x7 prints made of each.
I wanted to get a walk in too so I went the long way around.
It was pretty nice out there for a winter day, 1 degree I think - I didn't even have to wear a big coat - a hoodie was enough to keep me warm.

My son and Miss H went to WCT to do some Christmas shopping so they dropped Baby F off for My Honey to watch.
She has a bit of a diaper rash and it hurts when we try to wipe it when changing her bum so instead of distressing her, we just put her right into the tub.
She quite enjoys it in there.
I was standing at the door watching her and I think she kind of forgot I was there.

Tub time!

Old McDonald had a farm....

Grandma, Get out!

Hmmm, what can I get into next?

I had some modelling clay in my office so she and My Honey played with that.
My Honey is so imaginative - he created this little wizard guy.

"Baby Shark phone" - that's what she says when she wants to watch YouTube videos on the phone.
Of course her wish is our command.

I got the pictures put into frames and added a few stickers for fun.

My sister and I.
I have been putting this picture out at Christmas for years now.

This was taken at the town Light Up last year.
No pictures with Santa this year unfortunately due to social distancing rules.

This is my boy when he was just 5 years old.
I worked at a department store (Kmart) and was always super busy around the holidays so his dad always took him for Santa pictures and I'm so grateful that he did.

I worked on my gnomes a bit after supper.
They needed another coat and then I decided to add some pattern to their little hats.

I need to let them all dry and then I'll sand them back a bit like this.
Then I just need to add beards and noses, I'm hoping I can get that done tomorrow night.

After I finished up painting for the night, My Honey and I watched an episode of The Mandalorian before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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