Wednesday 16 December 2020

Office Visit, Baked Goods Delivery and New Bench (Dec.14, 2020)

Today was weigh in day and to honest, I wasn't much looking forward to it. 

I ended up being down though.
I was 201.6 lbs.
It is only a loss of .2 lbs but I'll take it!
I'm down a total of 71.4 lbs now and just inching my way to Onederland.
I know I'm going to get there though so all is good in the hood!

My Honey built this awesome bench to replace the chairs at the back of our table.
Currently I can't push all the chairs in, they won't all fit so they stick out and it kind of drives me crazy.
Plus I think we can sit more people at the bench so it's a win win all around.

We went out for a lunch time walk and it was super cold.
We stopped at the store so we needed our masks and we just left them on for the walk home because it was so chilly.

We were doing the basket draw at the office this afternoon so we all planned to stop by there at the same time and it was nice to have a bit of a visit.
Now that we are all working from home, we don't get to catch up and I miss seeing everyone.
BH came down and JRA sat out and visited with us.

SV was there and BL came out to visit with us too.
I'll be so happy when things get back to normal with this whole Covid situation.

We checked to see who had made the correct guess for the jar of chocolate bars and SV ended up being the winner.

Then we did the draw for the basket.
I ended up buying each of the kids a ticket and Miss H ended up being the winner.
She didn't even know that I'd bought her a ticket so she was surprised and happy when I called her to tell her she'd won.

When I got home, My Honey had put a coat of paint on the bench.
He pretty much just started this yesterday and today he is done - so amazing.
I love it!

We gathered up the boxes of goodies I'd prepared yesterday and went out to deliver them.

I'd taken one to JRA at the office today then tonight we dropped boxes off to BN, my brother A, my niece, Miss M and my son and brother R.

We also brought Miss H her basket that she'd won and she had fun looking through all of her goodies.

They have their tree up, they went with a white one and it looks really pretty.
Their cat won't stay out of it though so the decorations keep getting knocked off.

Baby F was happy to have a visit with her Papa and we were happy to see her too.

Miss M and Mom went over to check out the House of Trees yesterday and I told her if there were any signs there for sale that she liked to let me know and I'd get one for her so she sent this to me today.
I love it too!

She also liked this one and it's only $5 bucks so I think I'll get both for her - it's all going to a good cause.

My Honey's finished bench - he posted this to his Instagram.

My family has been posting more pictures of their trees.
This is my cousin DH's in NB.

This is her daughter in front of the tree.

And this is her son.
They are both cuties.

This tree belongs to my Auntie B and Uncle W in PEI.

Their grandson CG posing in front of it.

This is their tree as well, their kitchen tree.
So many people are into putting up more than one tree nowadays.
I wonder when I'll jump on that bandwagon?
I am thinking of getting a slim tree specifically to hang our ornaments we get as souvenirs on our trips.
It might be a slippery slope though, we'll see.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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