Monday 7 December 2020

Family Christmas Trees (Dec.6, 2020)

I love having Baby F stay overnight, I really enjoy spending time with her.


It took her a bit to fall asleep but once she did, she slept right through the night.

I woke up when My Honey left for work but Baby F didn't.
I laid in bed for an hour or so and snuggled up to her then I got up to get a few things done before she got up.

I was able to finish up the kids piggy banks that I am making for mom.
She wants to start saving money for them for our family Disney trip that I hope we can take next year.

I was thinking about painting the inside of the jars white?

I did the Minnie silhouette on the ones for the girls and Mickey for the boys.
I like how they turned out.
Now I just need to get My Honey to cut holes in the top to put the money in and they will be all done!

Baby F got up around 9 am.
She and I watched some Little Baby Bum.
She also helped me do some chores.
I had laundry to fold and put away so she helped with that.
Kids love to be included and to help even if it is just a small task and it may take longer to get things done but it's so worth it to see the look of joy on their faces they get from feeling like they've helped.

Miss H came and picked her up around lunch so they could go and get some soup.

It was a gorgeous day out there so I got ready and headed out for a nice long walk.
I didn't even need a coat out, it was so nice.
Everything is melting which is great but there are some spots on the sidewalks that are just sheets of ice so walking can be a bit treacherous.

When I got back home, I got busy working on meat pies.
My Honey had cooked up a turkey and a pork roast the night before last and it's been in the fridge.
(It's the second attempt, he cooked a turkey and pork roast last weekend for me but we forgot about it and it sat in the oven for a whole day and night after it cooked so to be on the safe side, we threw it out).
I went through the meat and took out all the bone and as much of the fat as I could.
Then I seasoned it well, added some chicken broth and let it sit while I got to work on the pie crusts.

I'm not necessarily the best baker when it comes to pies - I don't make them often so I'm unsure of myself.
I just followed the recipe for the crust on the shortening container then I put and egg wash on the top and I think they turned out ok.

They aren't the prettiest maybe but we cut into one and it tasted darn good.
The crust is nice and flaky too.
I had enough to make 8 pies so that should do.
I have 3 crust portions left so I'm thinking of maybe doing a mince meat one.

Miss M dropped by to pick up some little trees I'd picked up for her the other day so I gave her the rest of the pie we'd cut into for her and Mr T to try.

We have a private family facebook page and everyone is posting pictures of their trees again this year.
It's such a nice way to share when we all live so far away from one another.
I think Miss KA in PEI has her own tree in her room and she looks to be quite the artist.

This is their family tree, my cousin RA and his wife, AA.
It's gorgeous.

This tree belongs to K&N in NB. She has her hands full with kiddos, two of them under 2 so she hasn't quite gotten the tree finished yet.

My cousin RA's tree.
Her house is always so spotless!

My niece added a picture of her tree, she is here in AB of course - I just love red on a Christmas tree.
She is turning into quite the little decorator.

Finally, my cousin DM from NB posted a picture of her gorgeous tree all in blues.

As soon as I get my tree up, I think I'm going to do a video tour of my place and add that.
I would have liked to get the tree this weekend but I think we are going to go on Tuesday night after My Honey gets home from work.

I saw this last year but it still makes me laugh.

My niece, Miss M saw this and thought it would be something fun for our family to do - this year would be a good time too since we will all be here!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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