Friday 27 November 2020

New Covid Restrictions for Alberta (Nov.24, 2020)

Another lovely day in this snowy neighborhood! 

I got out for a walk this morning - it was kind of nice out, warmer than it has been lately.

This afternoon, BH and I headed over to NCT's Christmas Tree house that she has been working on and put up some garland in the windows for her.

It took a bit longer than we thought it would.

Then, after supper, we headed over to BH's to finish up some signs.

The premiere, Jason Kenney and the Health Officer for Alberta made an announcement at 4:30 pm today and I think most Albertans were watching with bated breath to see what the new Covid Measures being imposed were going to be.

The Covid 19 numbers are rising rapidly and some people are calling for total shutdowns to try to stop it.

Kenney is against that and I kind of agree with him.

Shuttering businesses again would be devastating to some people and I think that while physical health is important, so is mental and economic health.

There have already been businesses that shut down after the last lock down and I would hate to see that happen to more.

It's the smaller, local businesses that get hurt the most too because most of the big box stores are allowed to remain open.

So here is kind of a summary of the new restrictions:

No social gatherings in private home - 0 visitors allowed

All sports group activities cancelled.

Grades 7-12 will start to be homeschooled again.

Younger grades are going to have an extended holiday break.

Stores and restaurants and theaters, churches, etc are allowed to remain open but at 25% capacity.

Bars and restaurants to close at 10 pm.

Those are the basics and I don't think that is so bad.

I do think that we need to work on slowing the spread but sometimes I wonder if it's as dire as the media depicts?

Whether it is or not, I will follow the rules because I don't want to get sick or inadvertently pass it on to someone else.

Hopefully everyone else does the same and the spread slows until we can get vaccines.

We watched the end of the live broadcast over at BH's before we got to work on the signs.

We were so busy that I forgot to take pictures.

We got a few things completed, even made a sign for NCT herself.

We ended up being there until close to 10 and now with the new restrictions we aren't even sure if the Christmas House can go ahead.

Kind of a bummer after all of the work that NCT put in.

At lease she can still sell the signs and make some cash that way for Communities in Bloom.

My Honey stopped at the store on the way home from work and found a new flavor of Smartfood.
He tried it and said it was really good.

When I got home, the kitties were laying on the floor being their cute selves.

Professor Snuggles started being a goofball, ha ha.

I expect when I go in to work tomorrow that we are going to be told to work from home for the next few weeks.
We'll see in the morning I guess.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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