Tuesday 3 November 2020

A Whole Day with Baby F (Nov.1, 2020)

We actually slept in a little bit this morning. 

Then we did one of my favorite things when we got up, we cuddled!

Then we had a sing along.
If You're Happy and You Know it.......
It was so nice outside, all the snow was melting and it was awesome!

We took Baby F out to play, My Honey came up with an ingenious use for the shovel.

"Cuddling squishing Professor Snuggles"

She figured he was loving every minute of it but I'm not so sure.
As soon as he had his chance, he made a swift get away.

I made some salt dough for us to make ornaments and I got her little play dough kit out so she could roll her own dough out.

There happened to be some play dough in it so the salt dough and play dough ended up getting all mixed together but who cares?
As long as we had fun and we did.

They found some clay which we also opened and they made bracelets.
One for Baby F and one for Papa.

Meanwhile I made trees.
They puffed up and some even turned brown.

This is the look I was going for.

This is what I ended up with.
The ones on the left that I did with the sharpie don't look that great but the other ones look kind of ok.
I just need to add some buffalo ribbon.
I might try a few more with another marker that I have that is thicker than the one I used for the ones on the right but not as thick as a sharpie.

It was still gorgeous out so we took Baby F to the store for a walk.
She got mini cupcakes and had to open one as soon as we got back out to her stroller.

When we got back to the house she asked for 'hot' baba and fell asleep almost instantly when we gave it to her.

Notice she didn't let go of the baba though.
We let her have a nice long nap.

She hung out with us for most of the day and the evening too which was really super nice.
Dad came to pick her up after supper and he stayed and visited until 8:30 pm and even then she didn't want to go home.
She was crying which makes both My Honey and I so sad, we were almost going to offer to keep her for the night again but then she suddenly snapped out of it and was ok with going home to see Mommy.
I like the look of both of these crates - more projects for My Honey!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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