Monday 23 November 2020

Birthday Lunch for SV. (Nov.19, 2020)

 The trees are still covered in all their hoar frost glory and they look just stunning.

I had to take a picture of it in the background when I went out for my walk this morning.
It was a nice day for a walk too, not as cold as yesterday was!

We went out for lunch today to celebrate SV's birthday which was actually last week.
We had to wait until we had a day that we could all go.
BH and SG.

The birthday girl and moi!

SV picked the spot and I was happy because they make the best Greek salads so that is what I had.

After work, I didn't really feel like doing much, I was being kind of lazy.
I surfed the net for a while.
A memory popped up of this post that I'd shared and I never did try making the recipe but I think I want to so I saved some screenshots of it.
(It isn't my recipe).
I want to do some Christmas baking to give to my family.

I think I've been holding off on doing the baking because I'm afraid I'm going to want to eat everything.

I found a movie to watch.
This one was a Hallmark movie from a few years ago but I'd never seen it before.
It ended up being a really good movie - I quite liked it.

Then when My Honey got home, he and I finished watching Jingle Jangle (we had started it last night but were falling asleep so couldn't finish it).
It was cute - just ok, not the best.

I took the day off tomorrow and my niece, Miss M and I, are heading into the city to do some Christmas shopping.
Hopefully since it's a Saturday, it won't be as busy.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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