Wednesday 4 November 2020

Entertaining Toddlers Can Be Hard Work (Nov.3, 2020)

 I am happy to say that it was another lovely day out there.

My Honey walked down and met me and we headed out for a walk.
We went a bit further than normal because it was so nice out, I think it got to +13C today.
I had started extra early this morning so I figured it would be ok.

When he went home, he texted to see if Baby F could come over for a visit and Miss H had to work so she dropped her off around noon.

So when I went home for lunch, I got to see her.
She was in the midst of trying to blow up a balloon.

Which is super tough but I don't think it will be long before she gets the hang of it.

They had also been painting.

I think we might just have a little artist on our hands.

The glitter was kind of going everywhere so we switched it up to markers.

What a comfortable drawing position.

Ha ha, she cracks me up.
She wanted My Honey to 'draw' her (her outline).

Next they moved onto cookie decorating.

I had picked up this icing for the kids to decorate cookies with and it isn't what I expected.
I thought it would be thick icing but it liquidy and runny.

Cookie decorator extraordinaire!

Having a little taste test.

She was in quite the state after her cookie decorating but it cleaned up surprisingly well.

I had to head back to the office but it wasn't long before My Honey sent me this, she was tuckered out from all that activity and promptly fell asleep after I left.

He sent me this one too, she is his little angel.

She was still there when I got home and they were having a game of Hide & Seek

This was her hiding spot, ha ha.

My Honey would walk by and pretend he couldn't see her then she would call out and make all these noises so he would notice her.

Then she would say 'Your turn' so My Honey would have to go and hide then.

She would go '1,2,3,7,8,9,10 ready or not, here I come'.
It sounded so cute.
Then after she'd find him it would be 'my turn'.
They played that until her Daddy came over to pick her up and even then she had him join them for a few rounds.

She is such a joy to have around - I feel so thankful that we get to see her and spend time with her as often as we do.
I know My Honey loves it too - she won't be little forever so we need to enjoy every single moment that we can.

I worked on getting a coat of paint on a crate that My Honey made after Baby F left.
I'm going to use it for a raffle at work to raise money for the local Santa's Elves who help families with gifts and food at Christmas time.
It is our annual project at the office and each year we worry that we won't be able to do it but we always are able to figure it out and make it happen.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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