Friday 27 November 2020

A Negative Result is a Positive Thing! (Nov.22, 2020)

 I got up early this morning and as per my usual weekend routine, made myself a coffee and found something to watch on tv while I sipped it.

I just happened to find a really good one too.
I love anything Dolly Parton - especially her movies.
She just captures human nature so well and they always get me emotional.
This one was a musical and I loved it!

Mom wanted to get each of the kids a piggy bank so she can start saving money for them for our family Disney trip.

I had the bright idea to make them just out of mason jars.

I looked up how to paint them and it looked pretty easy so I thought I would give it a try.

Basically you just take modge podge and add food coloring then pour it into the jar.

Then you just roll it around in there until it covers everything.

I needed to make 5 and these are the colors I chose.
I let them stand upside down to avoid big drips in the bottom.
So far they are looking pretty good.
I did add glitter to the ones for the girls - not sure if that was a wise decision or not?

The next step was to bake them in the oven for 1 hour at 200.
They go kind of opaque like this.
There were some spots on the jars that didn't seem to have any color at all and so I did second coats on all of them except the purple one.
You can see some drips but I think it looks kind of cool.

The final step was to cut out vinyl on the Cricut and personalize each one.
I wanted to do green on green, blue on blue etc... but I think the colors are too close so it's hard to see the sticker on it.
Mom said she doesn't like it so I think I might go to black vinyl.
The more I look at them though, I don't know how happy I actually am with them.
I might just scrap this idea and try something different.

Meanwhile, My Honey was hard at work preparing Sunday bbq for the guys at work.
They are having crunchy chicken today.

He also cooked up ribs, potato casserole and salad.
Looks pretty good.

Oh and can't forget that awesome dessert.
Can't wait to try a bite tonight when he brings a slice home.

I got ready and headed out for a walk just after lunch.
It was a gorgeous day out there - everyone was out working on Christmas lights.

I don't mind winter days so much when they are warm and sunny.

We are lucky to live so close to the wilderness too - it's so pretty with all the snow.

Walking in a winter wonderland.

Just look at that sun peeking through.
Sunshine and fresh air are good for the soul.

Miss M's boss got her results back today from her Covid Test and she was negative.
So once we found out, NCT came over and we worked on a couple of signs.

Then my son brought Baby F over for a visit.
I was so happy to see her - it's been a couple of days and I was starting to really miss her.

Notice all the centerless Oreos?
She likes to eat the middles and then just leaves the rest.

She is such a little ham - she makes the funniest faces.
She does it on purpose too - she enjoys having an audience.

When Papa got home, she insisted on having a 'box dance' with him.

Cool dudes!
She is talking so much now, it doesn't mean I always know what she is saying though!

She is definitely the center of attention when she is here - no wonder she loves coming over.
And we love it that way - we want her to know how special she is to us.

Chilling with Papa.

Grandma had to get in on the snuggles too.

Best girl in the whole wide world!

Snack time!

She found some band-aids so was fixing everyone's oowies!

Guess my lip needed fixing!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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