Friday 6 November 2020

Christmas Lists are Shrinking (Nov.5, 2020)

I had another busy morning where I wasn't able to get out for a walk so I went for a nice long walk on my lunch hour instead.

The ground was snow covered again but at least it wasn't freezing cold outside.

I shovelled the side walk to so I was sweating when I got back to the office.


My brother asked if I'd watch the kiddos so he could take a quick run to WCT.

I was happy to see them since it's been awhile.

They are both enjoying school which is nice.

I asked what they wanted for Christmas hoping to get some ideas.

Miss A wants a dog or a cell phone - neither is in the realm of things I can get her.

Then she says that if she didn't already have a fitbit, she'd ask for one of those, ha ha!

So basically, she gave me no ideas except to let me know that she loves Smartfood white cheddar popcorn.

I asked Mr H what he wanted but he didn't know.

Gee, when I was a kid their age, I would have had a list a mile long!

I let them color some of the salt dough ornaments I made.

These are Miss A's.

She took a video of them for me too.

Mr H lost interest in the painting as soon as My Honey got home from work and was able to play the PS3 with him!

He had been asking all evening when he would be home so he was thrill.
They stayed until around 8 pm.
Then My Honey and I were watching some Vlogs, we watched one about a guy visiting and staying at the 'A Christmas Story' house.
I think that would be pretty cool - maybe if we can ever travel again, we can go and check it out.

I could barely keep my eyes open so was in bed before 9.

My sister found these cool necklaces that you can get names put on and she's going to get one for Mom for Christmas.
I think it's really pretty.

The lady at Sentimental Salvage & Design is at it again, she made these gorgeous 'trees' from old doors.

I think they look great.

I saw someone selling these cool stools on Facebook.
I'd love for My Honey to make one for Baby F - she always wants to be up on a stool helping him in the kitchen but our stool is very precarious.

You can even shut them in which I'm not sure is needed but maybe?

The election counting is still dragging on down in the States.
Joe Biden is in the lead but it's very close and the tide could still turn in Trump's direction.
I think it's a very stressful time in the US for folks.
No matter which way it goes, it looks like a lot of people are going to be very unhappy.
I just hope people don't go crazy and start rioting or anything.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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