Thursday 12 November 2020

Annual Screening and Baby F's You Tube Picks (Nov.10, 2020)

The mobile Mammogram screening unit was in town today so I made appointments for both Mom and I to get our annual screenings completed.

My appointment was at 9 am but they were running a little early which was nice.
It's such an awkward thing to have done but so important - I never miss.

When I got back to the office, I parked and went for walk, just to get it done.
It's looking like it's soon going to be time to get this grey covered up again.

They couldn't get Mom & I back to back appointments so I had to go back and pick up Mom at 11:20 to head up for her appointment.

While she was in getting the screening done, I was looking at pictures on my phone in the car.
This one popped up from February of this year and I thought it would be a good one to use as a comparison picture and I actually got one put together.

Here it is, a before and after.
February 2020 then November 2020.

Weight has a way of creeping up on you and weighing you down, pardon the pun.
I remember feeling like I was just going to explode if I didn't get control of my weight.

It's weird because I was still fairly healthy and could walk/jog or do whatever activity, my blood pressure was ok, but I could definitely feel that my weight was starting to have an effect on those things and it scared me.

This is the best gift I could have ever given myself.
I always knew I could do it - it was just a matter or starting and sticking to it.
Here's to being healthy and happy and having that weight lifted off of my shoulders, literally!

Work was tough today, I couldn't focus because I kept thinking about my son and the situation.
I just felt so sad about it all.
I invited him and Baby F over for supper because I just wanted to see them.

I sure love me some Baby F cuddles.
Papa was still at work so that moved me up the ladder!

Since both My Honey & I were off tomorrow, we offered to keep Baby F over night.

My Honey picked up some milk on his way home and he also grabbed some noodles for her.
She looooves spicy noodles.
I think she can handle more heat at this point than I can.

We gave her kind of a giant bowl  - it looks like it's bigger than her 😁

She was just eating it up - it's good to find something she likes aside from her baba full of milk which is the only thing she seems to want lately.

She fell asleep after supper  - she was exhausted.

Maybe we shouldn't have let her nap as long as she did because when she got up, she was raring to go.
She and My Honey made a fort in the middle of the living room.

She hung out in there and watched 'Baby Shark phone' which just means You Tube videos on the phone.
It's so funny to watch her, she is only 2 and she knows how to scroll and she knows what she likes.

Here are some of her current favorites:

Daddy Finger with balloons.

Anything Baby JoJo

She likes watching this one a lot of this girl changing a baby doll.

Clay cracking

Anything by Little Angel

This one is catchy, My Honey & I sing it lots!

She loves this one and watches it lots.

She's a surfer though, there aren't very many that she will watch until the very end.

Because she had a long nap so late in the evening, we had a hard time convincing her to go to bed.
I was so tired too because I didn't get a very restful sleep last night - just with everything on my mind, it really kept me awake and worrying.

But we did convince her at 11:30 to go to bed.
It was still 1:30 before she actually fell asleep but at least we were in bed.

She really likes to cuddle in bed.
I tried to lift her to put her more in the center but she pushed back over by me and so 'No Grandma, Side you!'.
Which meant that she wanted to be right beside me.
She likes me to put my arm around her and tuck her in close to me which I am more than happy to do.
I'll take any cuddles with my sweet girl that I can get.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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