Wednesday 4 November 2020

An Unexpected Visitor at the Office (Nov.2, 2020)

 Today was weigh in day.

I weighed in at 211.2 which means I had a bit of a gain.
Only .6 lbs so not too bad but not the direction I want to be going.

I'm still down 61.8 lbs from the start so I'm not going to beat myself up over this, most weight loss journey's aren't linear, they are bumpy and that's ok.

One thing I do know is that I had lots of BLT's (bites, licks and tastes) this week that I didn't track and I did quite a bit of guestimating instead of weighing and measuring so I'm going to do better with that this week.

I still know I'm going to make my goal this time even if I'm not 100% sure what my goal is at the moment.
Somewhere under 200 for sure, I'm kind of thinking half of my starting weight which would be 131.5 since I started at 273 but we'll see.
I might get to 160 and feel perfectly fine there.

It ended up being a gorgeous day as far as temperature goes.
Plus 12 I think so My Honey walked down and met me for a walk.

I decided to work through lunch so I could leave a bit early and so My Honey biked back down and brought me some lunch.
He's so good!

I was just sitting in my office talking to BH when I noticed something at the corner of my eye and when I turned to look, this guy was peeking in my office window.

Imagine my surprise!

Our visitor caused quite a stir at the office.

We all had to go out and get pictures - it's not everyday BumbleBee shows up at the workplace. 

We were all pretty stoked to see him.

Even BL got a picture with him.

Then he had to go.

I thought it looked so funny to see him walking across the parking lot.
It was a consultant that works here at the office.
He does birthday parties and other events and he just loves it.
I wish Mr H had been here to see him but I think I'm going to hire him to come surprise Mr H one of these days.

My Honey cooked up some delicious chicken for supper and made instant mashed potatoes and a salad to go with it.
It was super good.

They found a new game to play with an empty container I had in my bedroom.
She climbs in it and he carries her around where she tells him to take her.

Today it was to the couch where they added a twist.

Box dancing.
He bounces her up and down in that container and she loves every minute of it.

She kept making him take breaks though so that she could climb out...

and give Professor Snuggles some hugs.

Not sure how much he appreciated that but he laid there and took it.

Lovin up on PS.

The game continued on for quite some time - great workout for My Honey.
I love the sound effects Baby F added.

Just chillin'!

I got this star last year for a steal of a deal.
I thought it would really nice out in a gazebo or something (which I currently do no have) so I decided to put it up inside the house instead.
It was just kind of in the way in my craft room, I was always having to move it to get to things so we finally got it put up and I just love it.
I don't know if I'll leave it here but at least it's of the way for now and on display.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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