Thursday 5 November 2020

Purging & Prepping for Craft Day (Nov.4, 2020)

I was too busy at work this morning to get out for a walk.
I made up for it at lunch time though.
I went home but before going in for lunch, went for a half hour walk around the neighborhood.

It was a busy day at work and it just flew right by.

After work, I stopped at the store to pick up something for supper but nothing really caught my eye so eggs it is!

I got busy going through bins again when I got home.
Purging feels really good I must say.
I had a few things that I thought my niece, Miss M might want so I sent her pictures.
This light up toy store for a Christmas village was one of them.

Then she had also mentioned that she wants sock hangers for her fireplace and I had this one I don't use and never have.

She said she'd take them both.


I found this old picture of her with Santa.

I don't know if I've ever seen a baby that happy to be on Santa's lap!

She was such a cutie - bald forever just like I was when I was little.

I also found this one of my son and I.
OMG he was so cute.
And can we talk about my hair for a minute - how did I even think that looked good?
Ha ha.
It got wet so it's stuck to the glass of the frame it was in.
I'm not sure if I can get it off without wrecking it so I took a picture of it just in case.

I also found something else that I thought I'd lost and I'm so happy.
Old 8mm film that my dad took of us when we were young - from around 1980.
I wanted to have it digitized and I thought I'd lost it so I was thrilled to find it yesterday.

I did some research and lots of places digitize it including Walmart and Costco but I found a place in Edmonton that I think I might take it too.
I want the quality to be as good as I can get and if it costs a bit more, I'm ok with that.
It's hard to put a price on memories like that.

NCT came over in the evening for a bit to look at patterns on the cricut.
We are all preparing for our craft day on Saturday which I hope turns into a regular thing.
I love crafting.

I found a bunch more ideas on Social media.
None of these pictures below are mine, they are just ideas of things that I would like to make.

Jim Reeves version of 'Old Christmas Card' was a favorite of my Meme's and every time I hear it, it makes me think of her so hence it has become one of my all time favorites too.

I don't really like the black design at the top left corner but I like the rest of the sign.

Solid advice!
I like the design of this one, the mixing of the fonts and the one ornament hanging there at the edge.
I don't think I'd go with gold though, I'd make it white too or maybe red.

A classic.

I love when they take very familiar quotes from songs and movies and turn them into signs.
I've always been a Sound of Music fan so I recognized this right away.
I'd display this in my house.

I really tend to like the ones about trees and tree farms.

Any quotes from my favorite Christmas movie are a win in my book.

I really like this one - it's plain and simple but that is the charm of it.

I can agree!

I like it!

I don't know if I'd want this in my house but I think it would be a good seller at a craft fair.
I like how it's on the wreath too.

I know my home does!

I love anything with red trucks!

I like the saying on this one.

I think I'm going to do a sign like this one for the crate I'm making for work.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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