Wednesday 18 November 2020

Patience Didn't Pay Off Today (Nov.17, 2020)

 It was FREEZING out there this morning.

My Honey walked down and met me for a walk anyway.
The wind was super cold so we didn't go as far as we normally do but we got a few steps in anyway.

I got an email from WestJet this morning saying that my sister's itinerary was changed for her trip here at Christmas.
We had booked direct flights for her and they were both changed to flights with stops.
You could click a button to accept the new itinerary or you could call to change it.
I really wanted to get her a direct flight so I called and I was on hold for close to 4 hours before they finally answered.
Isn't that crazy?
It was all for naught too because they told me that they've cancelled their direct flights from Halifax to Edmonton for the time being due to Covid restrictions.
So we ended up just keeping the new itinerary they set her up with.

BH got her new light fixture that she picked up over the weekend installed last night.
This is the light fixture she had.

This is the new one she picked up - isn't it gorgeous?

We've been noticing that our cat, Professor Snuggles, has been having some blood in his urine so My Honey called the vet about it yesterday and he said to bring him in so he could have a look.
It just so happened that my son had an appointment this morning at the same vet for their dog Louie so to save us the hour trip, we asked if he could take our cat with him which he did.

Turns out our cat has a tapeworm - we have no idea where he would have gotten it since both of our cats are indoor cats but it's easily treatable thank goodness.
Because they are together all the time, we have to treat both of our cats.

My Honey made a nice lunch and invited my son and his family over so when I got home at lunch time, they were all there.
We had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas and it was all yummy.

After lunch, My Honey and I headed to WCT for a quick trip.
Canadian Tire had pot sets on sale and Mom wanted to get one for my brother.
The sale ends tomorrow so I wanted to get there before it was over.

I ended up picking up a set for her then I also picked up a set to give to my son for Christmas.
We got a few other things we needed then were on the road back home by 5:30.

We snacked on popcorn on the drive home - so we weren't terribly hungry when we got home and just had leftovers.

I was falling asleep on the couch by 7:30, not sure why I was so tired.
I was considering just going to bed when I realized that I didn't have my 10,000 steps yet - that would have been awful.

So I got up and walked around until I got all of them.

We had a low key evening and headed off to bed kind of early since we both have to work in the am.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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