Monday 9 November 2020

Productive Day (Nov.8, 2020)

As per my usual, I got up when My Honey left for work, made myself a coffee and settled in for a movie.

I was in a Hallmark Christmas movie kind of mood and had a few PVR'd so picked this one to watch.
I thought the actors had good chemistry and I actually enjoyed it.

Meanwhile at work, My Honey was cooking up a feast.
He made Tres Leches cake with a pineapple cream cheese frosting layer.
He was taste testing it.
I sure hope that there is enough left for him to bring me home a bit to test out.

I had a quiet but productive day today.
I got all the craft stuff I had hauled over to BH's yesterday put away.
I worked on laundry, washed all the throw rugs and couch coverings and bedding along with just the regular laundry.

I also got all of the Christmas decorations hauled upstairs.

Even got the first 'decoration' put up, the swag over the window.

While working away, I got in a couple more Hallmark movies.
Candy Cane Christmas.

Jingle Bell Bride.

I can usually tell right at the beginning if I'm going to like a movie or not and I enjoyed all three of the movies I watched today.

My Honey found some scraps at the junk pile today that he thought might be good for making signs.

My sister posted this picture of her kitty trying to steal the chocolate.

Guess she's all about the food because next she was in the fridge checking out what was in there.

Professor Snuggles likes getting in the fridge sometimes too.
It must smell good to them or maybe it's the cool temperature?

NCT did some decorating for Remembrance Day and a local photographer took this photo.
I think it looks so good.
She really puts so much effort into the Communities in Bloom - they are lucky to have her.

He did bring me home a slice of Tres Leches.
I only had one (very big) bite and it was AMAZING!

It's been a few days since we've seen Baby F so we headed over there for a visit.
My son says she is just climbing up and over everything lately.
She's fallen a few times but that hasn't stopped her yet.

Louie looked like he had a scratch on his face so my son was trying to get a closer look.

Trying to get a selfie with her.

She was all about Papa today.
They ran around and chased each other for a bit.

Ozzy wanted in on the fun and he was giving My Honey some loving whether he wanted it or not.

She did some more climbing up on things.

Then she wanted to watch 'Baby Shark phone'.

They looked at some pictures of her on his phone first and as you can hear, the thing that excited her most about the pictures was seeing her baba.
She loves that thing!

She was right in Papa's lap and so happy.
I tried to snuggle up too but she'd put her hand up at me and say 'No Grandma, push' which means get away basically,
 Ha ha.

Boy do I ever love that little face.

She kept blinking - I don't know if the screen was too bright or what.

My Honey whipped out a stash of balloons and they tried to blow them up.

He stuck them on his fingers like they do in some YouTube videos for the "Daddy Finger" song and she recognized it right away.
She is talking more and more, even making little sentences and it sounds so cute.

Daddy made her some spicy noodles for a bedtime snack.
She loves noodles and she loves spice - must get that from her Papa!
Actually, her Mommy loves spice too.

We headed home just after 9.

When we were leaving, I'd say 'Good bye F' and she'd say "Good bye Papa".
Ha ha - she's such a little jokester.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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