Thursday 12 November 2020

All is Well and Thank Goodness for That! (Nov.11, 2020)

Baby F woke up a couple times through out the night and I had to do a bit of convincing each time to get her to come back to bed but I was able to and we ended up sleeping in until 9 am which was nice.

Next time she sleeps over, we will make sure not to let her nap so close to bed time. 

We chilled for a bit in the morning and watched YouTube.
We had our coffees and she had her hot baba.

Then she & Papa played for a bit.
He has packs of ear plugs and she likes to get into them and pretend like they are soothers.

Then it was bath time.

We let her put food coloring in the water, that's why it looks red.
It doesn't stain her skin if it goes directly in the water.
My Honey filled up some balloons full of water for her to play with.

She's getting braver at laying back in the water.
She was saying 'look me Papa', very proud of herself.
Love that gorgeous smile!

After tub time, it was a different kind of tub time.
She got in the container so they could do the 'box dancing'.
My Honey sure gets lots of exercise when she is around.

We hung out and played until early afternoon.
Well they played and I tried to get some Christmas decorating done so I could get the containers taken back downstairs and out of the way.

My son texted to say that he and Miss H were going out for lunch then he would be by to pick Baby F up.
When he did come, he said that he and Miss H had a good talk and things are all sorted which was such a huge relief.
I was so worried and sad - it just made my day to hear that.
Every couple goes through bumps in the road and making it through isn't always easy but I know they love each other and I'm happy that they are working at it and not just giving up.
They have a good thing and that isn't easy to find.

After Baby F went home, My Honey and I headed to Westlock for a quick trip.
My sister wants a drill for Christmas and Peavey Mart had the one she wants on sale starting today.
So I wanted to pick it up for her.

We also did some shopping at Giant Tiger and No Frills before heading back home.
My Honey had put a ham in the oven so we invited my son and family over for supper as well as my niece, Miss M and her honey.

We got home around 6 and while My Honey worked on supper, I worked on clean up.

Mom loves it when everyone comes over for a visit as much as My Honey & I do.

Baby F got her plate first but she wasn't really interested in eating.

Mom, Miss M & Mr. T.

My Honey and my boy.
Miss H ended up having to go to work so she didn't come over.

Up in her Papa's arms where she loves to be.

My niece saw this online and thought it would have been a good idea for My Honey & I, which it totally would have.
Professor Snuggles has our couch destroyed from scratching it.
This might be good for us to make though to avoid further damage - might just give it a try.

Just hanging out after supper.
As you can see, I've gotten a few Christmas decorations up here and there.
Still have a lot more to go.

So nice to see My boy smiling again!

Trying to get a selfie with My Honey & Baby F.
First she isn't looking.

Then he isn't looking.

Then it's blurry - I need to learn how to photo shop!

My Mommy & I.

I picked up a new hat for Baby F today and I had a heck of a time getting her to try it on.

She finally did though when they were getting ready to leave and it fits good.

She didn't want to go - I think she would have stayed again but I have to work in the am and we are taking her again on Saturday night so we have that to look forward to.

After our company left, Paddington came over for some cuddles.
He stretched right out and made himself comfortable.

Awww, what a little baby he is!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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