Wednesday 18 November 2020

Another Sleep Over With Baby F (Nov.14, 2020)

Baby F slept pretty good through the night last night which was awesome.

We slept in until around 8 am too which was great.

When she got up though, she was ready to go.

She wanted a bubba so My Honey got her one - he had to use the Thanos hand - he says its the best $120 he ever spent buying that thing 😁

My son got off work fairly early so he came over to pick her up just after noon.

After she left, My Honey and I ran out to do a few errands.
We stopped by my office and saw this guy hanging around.
There are a lot of coyotes around town lately and people are angry about it but I feel bad for them.
They are just hungry and we did build our town right in the middle of their home.
There has been lots of logging going on around her lately too and it's pushing them out.

He went off into the woods by the office - it creeps me out a little that this is where I walk everyday but so far I've never been bothered by one.
And I've seen them out on my walks a couple of times.

When we got back to the house, I finished off the bulk of my Christmas decorating and got all the bins taken back downstairs.
I still have to put them away down there but I'll get to that another day.

Then I worked on getting a crackle coat on these trees for BH.

I think it looks really good.
I was able to get one side of each tree and the stands finished and then I ran out of glue so I'll need to get some more before I can do the other side.

After supper, my son brought Baby F back over.
She is going to spend the night again with us.

She loves to climb up on this container and jump onto the bed.
She also likes for her and Papa to jump on the bed and I sing the 'five little monkeys jumping on the bed song" then she and Papa fall down.
We do it over and over - she never tires of it.

She wanted Papa to copy what she was doing - she touched the lid so he had to touch the lid.

Then she touched the side so he had to.

She fell asleep in my arms on the couch and I held her there for a while just because I love cuddling and watching her sweet little face while she is sleeping.
But I had a few more things I wanted to get done so Papa took her and put her to bed and stayed with her so she wouldn't be scared if she woke up and found herself all alone.
It wasn't long before he was out too.
When I went in to bed, this is what I found!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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