Monday 16 November 2020

Evening Walk with the New Sleigh (Nov.12, 2020)

I was back to work today after enjoying the day off yesterday. 

My Honey was off and he came down and met me for a morning walk.

He was still getting lots of calls though - they had some issues there yesterday.

When I got back to the office after lunch I had some packages waiting on my desk for me.
I love getting parcels!
It was Christmas presents that I'd ordered.

My Honey went to the Hardware and picked up a sleigh to take Baby F out on.
He added a rope to it so he could pull her around.
She's going to love it.

He also got some cardamom buns ready to go in the oven. 

When I got home both Baby F and Mr H were there.

Baby F just loves Mr H and wants to be near him all the time.

Tore her away from that bubba for a second to say 'Cheese' for a picture.
She's a bubba addict lately.

He is really sweet with her too.
I went into the living room at one point and they were laying on the floor together like this watching tv.

The cardamom buns came out of the oven and they smelled fantastic.

They looked fantastic too.
I had a slice of one and I can confirm that it tasted wonderful as well.
If it wasn't for Weight Watchers, I'm sure I would have easily gulped down a couple of these.

An old picture of My Honey popped up from back in April and it prompted me to make a comparison shot of him as well.
It's so strange thinking back to that time - I didn't think that he needed to lose any weight at all but what a difference losing it has made.

We decided to take the kids out for a walk and test out the sleigh.
It was a bit chilly out there so we had to dress warmly.

We got them loaded up on the sled.

Then off we went.

He just pulled them down the street.

It actually turned out to be a really nice evening for a walk.

The kiddos thought being pulled around was great.

Especially when My Honey pulled them around in circles.

My brother picked Mr H up not long after we got back from our walk.
Baby F had time for a snack and a cuddle with Papa before her Daddy came to pick her up.

Oh and for a Freeze Dance too!

I took the day off work tomorrow to head to the city with the girls for SV's birthday dinner and we are leaving at 8am so I headed to bed fairly early.
I want to try to get a workout in tomorrow before we leave to at least get some of my steps out of the way.

Another cute craft created by the owner of Sentimental Salvage & Design.
I'm going to try really hard to get over that way next year for another drive, maybe take one of her courses.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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