Wednesday 18 November 2020

Completing Projects Feels Good (Nov.15, 2020)

 I woke up pretty early this morning but stayed in bed to cuddle with Baby F.

Every time I tried to move, she would kind of cry a little and say 'Side you Grandma" so I just snuggled in closer and enjoyed every moment of it.

Eventually I did have to sneak out though to use the washroom, I just got My Honey to cuddle her and she went right back to sleep.

I got up and made myself a coffee and they slept in a bit longer.

When they did get up, My Honey ran (literally) down to the store and picked up some turkey bacon then made us breakfast.

After breakfast, it was bath time.
She picked blue food coloring for her bath this time.

She was having a grand old time in there.

She was getting so brave and putting her head back further and further in the water.
A couple times she put it too far and got water in her eyes and nose but she just brushed it off and tried again.

Mom & Dad came to pick her up while she was still in the tub.
She had a birthday party to go to so we got her ready and they headed out.

After they left, I got busy finishing off my salt dough ornaments.
I added little buffalo check bows.

Then I hung them up on the garland around my mirror.
I picked up this Joy sign in the city on Friday on my trip with the girls and I just love it.

I was disappointed with how they cooked but now that I got them all finished, I think they look wonderful.

Such a simple thing but such a nice look.

Next I got working on the crate for the gift basket we are raffling off at work.
I made the stencil a smidge to big but it still looks good.
I decided to only do one side.

Most of my Christmas decoration are up now.

It's looking very Christmassy over here.

I think I might see if I can find red sheets or something to use for couch covers for the season.

I love these corn trays I picked up, lots of extra display room for me.

My Honey also got these corbels put up for me today and I just love how they look.

The skeleton hanging from the noose is My Honey's contribution to the Christmas decorating - it won't be staying.

I needed some steps so I did a Leslie Sansone workout video on YouTube this afternoon then I had a nice hot bath and read some Harry Potter.

SV picked me up glue in WCT today so I was able to the other side of these trees for BH finished up.

I'll let them dry then tomorrow night I'll varnish them.

I'm so pleased with how they glue made them crack.
And I used to pay for crackle finish like a schmuck!

My Honey and I had shrimp and salad for supper then we watched some Diner's, Drive-In's and Dives before heading to bed.
I was falling asleep by 9 pm - I'm getting so old!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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