Thursday 19 November 2020

Walking in a Winter Wonderland (Nov.18, 2020)

Another super cold morning. 

The only nice thing about the super cold weather is how pretty the trees looks when they are covered with hoar frost.

This was in the morning when I got to work - they looked so nice I just wanted to walk around the parking lot and look at them all but alas, I had to go to work.

I did get out for a walk this morning though so I got to take them in again.

It's a white world out there today - no color anywhere really.

A true winter wonderland.

It was so cold that icicles were forming on my jacket.
I was dressed warmly though so I didn't mind.
It's kind of hard to take a selfie when you are all bundled up in a winter coat!

I wish that I was a better photographer - I tried to get some close ups of how beautiful this hoar frost is but my pictures just don't seem to do it justice.

I tried though.

There really is so much beauty in the world.

Even the long grass on the ground is covered in the hoar frost.

One last picture walking back to the office.

When I got home after work, I glued BH's trees to the stands.
I'll let them dry then the last step will be to spray them with a finish.
I think they turned out beautifully.
I copied out the pattern so that My Honey could cut me out a set - I do have a thing for trees.
I'm just running out of room to put things so I'm in no rush.

PP still has more stuff for sale on her virtual craft show.
I love these - wish I was closer so I could buy some.

I love the little snowmen, think I might try to make a few of my own.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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