Tuesday 24 November 2020

City with Miss M (Nov.20, 2020)

 I was up early (as usual) and sat and enjoyed a nice coffee before heading over to pick up my niece for our shopping trip to the city.

While I was sitting in the car at her place I was just taking in the winter wonderland all around me.

So beautiful.

I do not like snow, especially when I'm travelling but I must admit that it looks very pretty.

We were on the road by 8 am and shopped and shopped and shopped and shopped.
I also dropped off some 8 mm film I had that my dad had taken of us from 1979/1980.
I'm having it digitized for he and my mom for Christmas.
It will take a couple of weeks but I can't wait to see how it turns out.

We hit up West Edmonton Mall's food court for some lunch - we were both starving.
I had forgotten my phone in the car so Miss M had to take some pictures for me.

We had Freshii bowls and they were yummy and filling.

I was pretty much mentally finished with shopping by this point.
I didn't have a clear idea of what I wanted to get for the few people I have left on my list so I was just kind of wandering aimlessly.

We checked out the new lego store that just opened in the mall.

They had some really cool displays, like this life size car.

Some Christmas displays, like this Santa.

And these wreaths.

I really like these little town scenes.

The even had a punch buggy (Volkswagen Beetle).

I considered getting one of these Yoda sets for my brother but why oh why is Lego so expensive?
Ultimately I didn't get it then as soon as we got in the car, I regretted my decision.
I may go back and get it next time I go to the city if it is still there.

While we were in the city, all kinds of drama was unfolding back at home in the hills.
When I got back to the car, I had tons of missed calls on my phone.
Apparently, my niece's boss went to a baby shower last weekend and she was notified today that one of the other guests at the shower had tested positive for Covid.
She had worked all week with my niece and I just spend the day with my niece so my co-workers were all concerned.
Also, we were supposed to go to BH's tomorrow to help NCT make signs for a craft sale but we cancelled all of that.

I'm going to self isolate until my niece's boss gets her results back even though I really feel that it will be negative.
She isn't showing any symptoms at all so that's a good sign.
Better to be safe than sorry though and I certainly wouldn't want to be the one to pass it along to anybody if I can help it.

It was late when we got home, thankfully the roads were nice and clear and the weather stayed nice for driving.
We did see three moose on the way home, so we were on high alert.
It was nice to spend the day with my niece - we don't get to do it all that often so I appreciate it when we do.

That's about all for today, until next time, be happy!

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