Tuesday 3 November 2020

Happy Halloween (Oct.31, 2020)

 We woke up to a much nicer day than yesterday.

I hope it stays this way so the kiddos don't freeze their butts off tonight.

Our fur babies waiting patiently for their treat (wet food).

It was so nice out there today.
My Honey and I got out for a walk.
This house won for best  Halloween decorations and rightly so.
They went all out and it looks awesome.

It was a busy day, we worked on a few projects around the house then scrambled to carve our pumpkins before heading down to see Baby F at 4.

Miss H had to work from 4 - 5 so we were able to take Baby F over to visit BN and his sister, JN, who was up for the weekend.
No way could we get her to put her costume on though.
She was shy at first but warmed up while we were there.

When Miss H got home, we took Baby F back so they could get ready to head out trick or treating.
It took some convincing but her Daddy finally got her to get her costume on.

Miss H was all dressed up too, her mom did her make up and I think it looks awesome.

Miss Z was dressed up as Sally - she also looked great - she was already tired of the costume though.

Cutest little bumble bee around if you ask me.


The girls are ready to head out for some treats now.

Happy Halloween!

Oh there - everyone is looking in this one.

Buzz, Buzz!

They headed out trick or treating and we headed home to give out treats.

Trick or Treat!
One place they stopped at shared this picture so I had to share.
Miss H said she loved trick or treating, she wanted to go in everyone's house and check things out.

And to put out our pumpkins.
This is My Honey's, I didn't think to take a picture of the one I carved.

Mom had been manning the door while we were gone and she said it had been really busy, we'd had lots of trick or treaters.
She really enjoyed giving out the candy so she stayed up stairs for the rest of the evening and did that.

We had another version of Bumble Bee show up at our door.

Mr H.
He had his fill of trick or treating so ours was the last stop so they had a quick visit while waiting for Mom to come pick them up.

We didn't see Miss A in her costume again this year.

She went trick or treating with friends and they never made it to our place.

They had a sleep over afterwards and watched movies so I'm glad she had a fun night.

Ours was the last stop for Baby F and her trick or treating crew as well.
She dumped her candy and looked at it.
She was most excited about her recorder, mom's friend, DR, was giving those out to the kiddos.

My Honey had made a couple pizzas for supper so everyone had some.
Then they all headed home except Baby F who was staying the night with us.
These two were going to a Halloween party.

I love that they like to get dressed up.
Every year I never do then when the day comes, I wish I had.

Back in NS, my nephews recycled their costumes from last year.

The difference is the addition of the face masks!!!

My sister also shared this one of herself from a few years back.
Most epic costume ever.

My Honey and Baby F discovered a new game.

She sat in the container and he carried her around.

She thought it was just great and it was a good work out for My Honey so win win all around.

She asked for a hot baba and the game so we got her all situated.

She loves this game I found where you paint and decorate fingernails.

She held on to her bottle the whole time she was playing, would not let it go.

Having a treat.

Yum, yum, cheesies!

Of course it isn't a complete visit at our place without a dance session.

Such a cool dude.
She always has to put the sunglasses on for the dance sessions and she makes Papa put his on too.

Thought I'd share some photos of Baby F's costumes over the years.

Halloween #1 - Little Lady Bug

Halloween #2 - Cookie Monster
She had a little lamb costume that year too but I couldn't find a picture of that at the moment.

These are from Halloween 2016.
Never thought I'd say this but that Darth Vader sure is a cutie pie!
Mr H was so adorable.

Miss A made a pretty cute kitty cat that year.

And Mr's D & E as Mario and Luigi were awesome!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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