Tuesday 17 November 2020

City Trip to Celebrate SV's Birthday (Nov.13, 2020)

I got up early this morning but instead of working out, I had myself a nice hot bubble bath.

I figured I'd be doing lots of walking today since we were going to be shopping so I would have no problem getting my 10,000 steps in.

We hit the road right at 8 am like we planned.

Our first stop was breakfast, I searched places in Spruce Grove and found one called Twenty Eight that looked good so that's where we went.

They were full so we put our names on the list then headed to this cute shop next door. 

They had so many pretty things, I especially liked these white trees.
I snuck a picture hoping maybe I could replicate them.
I did end up buying a small banner that says Joy, it was only $21 which I thought was a great deal.
That was the only place we got to look at because then we got notification that a table was ready for us.
I like how they used the tires on this bike for the O's in Food.

Love the brick wall too.

SV and BH.

NCT and moi!

I ordered a veggie & feta egg white omelet and it was really good.
It came with hash browns.
I didn't eat them but I did try a couple and there were crispy and delicious.
We all really loved our meals and the prices were very reasonable.
We will most definitely be eating there again.

Meanwhile, back at home, My Honey had a visitor.

He got her bundled up and took her down to the park on her sled.

He said she just loved it.

 My sweet girl.

They played on the slide - her favorite piece of equipment in the park.

She loves hanging from the bar - I think it makes her feel big and strong.

Teeter totter time.

She took her gloves off and didn't want to put them back on.

Her fingers were getting cold though so he did finally convince her to put the gloves back on but they were wet and didn't help much so home they went.

Back in the city, we stopped at One Man's Treasure - a second hand store in Spruce Grove full of wonderful things.
I love shopping there but don't get the chance very often.
BH bought herself a beautiful light fixture.
I can't wait to see it up in her house.

Next we stopped at Rags to Riches, another store I've been wanting to get to but just haven't had the chance.
They sell IOD products and all kinds of other crafty items.
They had some beautiful things but I didn't end up getting anything.
BH got a few things including a set of wooden trees that I offered to paint for her.

From there we made our way into the city and made stops at Winners/Homesense, Home Depot, Michaels and the Dollar Store to name a few.
I got a few things picked up that I needed.

By 4 pm we were shopped out and hungry so we went for supper.

We were right there so we picked Joey Mayfield.
NCT was almost ready for a nap in the booth.

BH and I.

I had myself a virgin Ceasar and it was delicious.

We shared chili chicken with cucumber as an appetizer.

I ordered the chicken teriyaki rice bowl thinking it was an ok dish as far as points go.
(NCT ordered the same thing).
Later when I looked it up I discovered that it was 30 points just for this dish which is my whole days worth of points.
It was good though and I had weeklies to use so all good in the hood.

BH ordered the peanut curry dish which she was worried she might not like but she said it was yummy.
I tried a bite of it and it was.

The birthday girl, SV, ordered the crispy chicken sandwich and it looked fabulous.
She confirmed that it was.

BH & SV both ordered the apple pie for dessert, it looked and smelled divine.

After supper we made a stop at Walmart for a few more things then headed home.
I think it was right around 10 when we got back to town.

Baby F was over at our place when I got there.
My son was working first thing in the morning so we told him to just let her stay the night.
We love having her so it's a win win all around.

She hadn't had a nap since earlier in the day so luckily she was ready for bed when we went.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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