Friday 27 November 2020

Sign Making Session (Nov.23, 2020)

 Today was weigh in day.

I seemed to be hungry this week, I went over my daily points allotment every single day.

I didn't use up all of my weekly points though, I still had 7 left so I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the scale.

Then this happened.
I weighed in at 203.0 lbs.

That means I lost 2 lbs this week and I'm now 70 lbs down since I started.
I can't even begin to describe how happy and proud I'm feeling.
Also, physically and mentally I just feel great.
What a difference a few months and some effort can make!

When I got to the office, I had a few parcels waiting for me - I love getting parcels.
They were Christmas presents for other people but still fun!

I decorated my office for Christmas this morning.

It looked like so much last year but this year it looks sparse for some reason.
I may need to add a few things.

I saw this on Instagram and I LOVE it.
We have a shed in the back and I think this would look so good on it (it's in our backyard though so nobody would really see it).

NCT got a few more signs completed today, she really loves this one.

I had a busy morning finishing off payroll and making some updates in there so I didn't get out for a walk.
So when I went home for lunch, I went for a walk around the block.

Then late in the afternoon, I did get out for a walk at work.
It was so nice out, I wanted to take advantage of that.

My Honey sent me this, a guy he works with is making them.
They are pretty.

After work, I had a quick supper then headed over to BH's for a sign making session.

BH has a great set up in her basement and we all got to work.

It was good that we had all the help we did. 
Weeding then transferring and painting, it all takes time and every extra hand helps.

We picked some pretty intricate designs that took a lot of time to weed.
I think they will be worth it in the end but it didn't feel like it sometimes when the weeding was getting frustrating.

We worked until 10 pm and got quite a bit done.
We are going to do another session tomorrow night and just make as much as we can then we will call it good.
The Christmas Tree house and the craft sale starts on Friday and NCT has put an insane amount of effort into it all so she is just exhausted.
We really want to help her make it a success.

When I got home, I made myself a decaf coffee and sat and enjoyed it before heading to bed.

I saw this post on Instagram and I love EVERY SINGLE THING in this store!
Wish I could go there.
In fact, I want to own a store like this some day.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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