Tuesday 10 November 2020

Creeping Closer to Onederland (Nov.9, 2020)

 It's weigh in day today!

I was feeling like I was going to be down.

I was right.
207.8 lbs
Getting ever so close to Onederland now.

That's 3.4 lbs down since last weigh in and 65.2 lbs since the start.
I believed I could and I am!

I was feeling good so more bathroom selfies it was.

I keep taking all these so I can do comparison shots - maybe someday I'll actually get around to putting some together and sharing them.

I was able to get out for a walk this morning - it wasn't too cold - it was nice and refreshing.

After work, I got busy right away and undecorated my house.
I always take down all my regular stuff to make room for my Christmas stuff.
Once I get all the Christmas containers emptied, I'll put this stuff in it and store it for the season.

I have a lot of Christmas containers to get to.

It's feels good to start with a fresh slate.

Everything is empty and ready to be festive.

My Honey and I had turkey bacon and eggs for supper and just as I was about to get started on decorating, we had a visitor arrive.

Baby F and her Daddy dropped over for a visit.

My son was upset - he and his honey are going through some issues and my heart just breaks for him.
I hope they can sort through it and make things work but most of all, I just want he & Baby F to be healthy & happy, and Miss H too for that matter.

While I talked with my son, Papa kept Baby F busy.

She just loves to jump and climb over everything.

Having a rest.

She loves to snuggle up with Papa.

I got some Grandma snuggles too.

Awww, my little sweetheart.

It was pretty late when they headed home.
I knew I was going to have a tough time sleeping because I was going to be thinking about my son and the whole situation and I did.
I sure wish I could fix it - it's so tough when it's out of your control.
All I can do is keep reminding him that I love him and I'm here for him to talk to and lean on any time that he needs.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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