Monday 2 November 2020

I Love Fridays! (Oct.30, 2020)

It was a winter wonderland out there this morning.

My Honey walked down this morning and met for a walk.
Aside from the gale force, freezing cold winds, it was a nice walk. 

When My Honey got back to the house, he sent me this picture.
It's ground up pork - he's making sausage patties for us - yay!
I miss my easy breakfast.

I was looking at social media on coffee break and saw this which cracked me up.

My Great Grandfather, Arthur Gaudet.
He actually lived to 104 and was bowling and flirting with the ladies right to the end.

The girls and I decided to go out for lunch last minute and we picked Cool Beans so I was able to have a look at my shelf at the hardware.
Things aren't flying off the shelf but they did give me another $60 or so for items that have sold.
Maybe after Halloween, things will move faster.

BH and SV.

NCT and I.
I had a bowl of taco soup and it was pretty good.

It was a busy afternoon and it just flew by, before I knew it, it was time to go home.
It was so miserable out there.
It is supposed to be nicer tomorrow, I sure hope so for the Trick or Treaters.
I wish we could have a snow free Halloween for once for them.

My Honey and I had a quiet evening.
I had considered going to WCT but glad we decided not to - the drive home in this awful weather would have been nerve wracking!

My Aunt P and Uncle C celebrated their 49th Wedding Anniversary today.
So amazing.
My dad stood at their wedding, that is him standing at the far left of the picture - he was (and still is) a handsome man!
I just love old pictures, it would be nice if they were a bit clearer but I love them just the same.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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