Wednesday 20 September 2023

Weigh In Day (Sept.18, 2023)

 Weigh in today and it was so NOT good.

I was 216.8 lbs.

That's up 5.2 lbs since last week.

I figured I'd be up but this was scary.

I wake up call for sure.

Luckily I'm prepared to start back on WW today and this is just extra incentive.

Work was good - busy.

It was windy and rainy out so I didn't get out for a walk at all in the morning.

I was supposed to run 4 miles yesterday but that didn't happen so I planned on doing it today on my lunch hour.

With the yucky weather, I opted to do it on the treadmill.

It took me just over an hour but I did it.

That's the first week of half marathon training under my belt, only 11 more to go.

The afternoon was busy at work.
There is something wrong with the heat or the boiler or something and for some reason my and 
Blair's offices are like sauna's.
You walk in and you can feel the heat hit you in the face.
It makes you quite sleepy especially in the afternoons.

Calvin called someone to come look at it but they can't come until Sept.27.
I love the heat but it's even a bit on the hot side for me.

Paddy-bear doing what he does best - napping and being super adorable.

The lady that did Alivia's hair posted this picture of it and it looks so awesome.

Jason made soup for supper and it was so good.
I needed a few steps so we walked down to the store just before it closed - we needed cat food and Jason got frozen fruit to make us ice cream.

For some reason I can't get my dashboard to work for Fitbit so I just took a screenshot of my totals for today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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