Tuesday 5 September 2023

More From Medicine Hat (Sep.3, 2023)

Jason thought he might like to run a 21k today so I found another park with trails that was a bit further away and the plan was that he would run to it and I would drive there to meet him and do my run there.

We kind of dilly dallied a bit then he headed out and I got ready to leave as well.
Then just as I was heading out myself, Jason texted to say he wasn't feeling like doing a 21k so he was just going to do 10 then head back to the room.

Since I hadn't left yet, I told him just to meet me back at the hotel and we'd drive over to the park together.

This cute little critter was in the parking lot sitting right in front of the car.
Just a little baby.

We went to Police Point Park.
The reviews were good and there were lots of trails.
We were trying to figure out a 5k route but couldn't quite get situated with this map so I said heck with it, I'm just going to start running and just go where ever.
When I do that, I just count songs to estimate the distance I've run.
It takes about 2 songs to run 1k give or take so normally 10/11 songs is about 5k.
I find a run just seems longer if I'm constantly checking my distance on my fitbit.

It had really nice trails - some were paved, some were not.
They were twisty and windy.
Jason and I started off down the same trail but he quickly passed me and I the trails criss crossed so much and there were so many directions you could go, I had no idea where he'd gone.

I ended up down by the river.

There was a really nice trail all along it that you could just go on forever.

I started on it when I was on song 5 and ran until I finished song 8 then turned back thinking that I would get back to where I'd started onto it by song 10/11 which should be about the 5k mark.

It was super hot so it was tough but I also loved it.
I was over 5k when I got back but I still felt like running so I carried on.

I did stop and take a few pictures here and there.
Police Point Park.

There were lots of seating areas and there were dirt trails all around as well.

 I ran on a dirt trail that went through the bush a bit and there was a warning sign that a coyote had been spotted in the area.
I would hear noises and think it was something but it was likely just birds.
I'm kind of laughing at myself for being so jumpy.

There was lots of trees down too and they looked interesting, like natural artwork.
One looked kind of like a buffalo and another looked almost like a coyote.

I ended up running 7k this morning.
It was tough, not going to lie.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

Jason ended up doing some speed work for the first time today and he really enjoyed it - said he can see how it helps a person get faster and he's going to incorporate it into his running.
It's funny because I was just thinking on my run that I'm going to start doing my 1 and 1 workouts again on the treadmill because I think they help me get faster and I don't see me getting any faster otherwise.

I just run for a minute then I walk for a minute, then I bump up the speed and run a minute then walk a minute and so on, bumping the speed up every time I run.
It's a hard workout but a good one and I think it does help me improve my speed.

After our runs, we went back to the room, showered then headed out for some brunch.

Jason found this spot, the Rosewood Bistro.

I just love trying out new spots - it's one of the things we enjoy doing so much on our vacations.

It was a nice place inside.

I like the chandelier over the counter and the counter had all these random doorknobs on it which was interesting.

All cleaned up.

I had the stuffed french toast again.
It was ok.
The bread was kind of big so I feel like it needed more filling and the whipped cream melted before the plate even made it to me at the table.

They had these fries that came a mixture of regular fries and yam fries with veggies on them and an assortment of dips including house made hummus, aioli, sour cream and salsa.
I've never seen anything like it before and I really enjoyed it.
Their hummus had an interesting flavor, a little on the sweet side but I really liked it alot.
Jason got the beet flat bread which was also very good.

And they had a butternut squash soup with curry and coconut that I just had to try and it was amazing.
We definitely enjoyed our meal.

This restaurant happened to be on the other side of the tracks from where we were yesterday so we figured we'd walk around and  check out what there was to see on this side.

There were some murals again.

I liked this one, I think it was the side of a shop named Evelyn.

I like how the butterflies carry on down the side of the building.

I love a street like this with a canopy of trees.

There was this old building with the windows all boarded up but they made it interesting by painting all these characters in each of the openings.
This is a shot of the whole building then I tried to take some closer ones so you could see the characters better.

Here you have Luke Skywalker, Jack Skellington, Princess Lea and I'm not sure who the other two are.

There's Eddie Murphy (I think) Mr Bean and some other random characters.

Han Solo, Superman, Pee Wee Herman, Rocky.

Tom Cruise, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and Santa.

Then we walked around to the front and there were a bunch more.

Captain Kirk, Spock and McCoy.

Freddie Mercury and the Cat in the Hat.

Dolly Parton, Ironman, Spiderman and Betty Boop.

And Homer Simpson.

Pretty cool.
I love these old brick buildings.

It started to rain a bit so we headed back to the car but it was only a sprinkle and stopped before we even drove off.

We decided to go have some ice cream at this place that Jason found that happened to be in an industrial area.
They make there own ice cream in house.

I tried the chocoholic and the mango lassi in a waffle bowl.

Jason had caramel popcorn and honey berry cheesecake (the cheesecake one was yummo).

You could see the teepee just around the back of where the ice cream store was.

This is the biggest teepee in the world.

We were going to go over and check it out closer but we never did end up doing that.
I think we got the gist of it anyway.

We did a bit of shopping at a nearby mall - they had a Marshall's and a Homesense which is my favorite store.
I got a bubble tea too and when I tried to push the straw into it, it sprayed out all over my shirt so I had to get a new shirt to change into as we were going out for supper when we finished there.

Jason found another spot for us to try, the Clubhouse at Paradise Valley.
It's a restaurant at a golf course and you had to drive down into a valley to get to it - the same way we had to drive down into a valley to go to Echo Dale Lake Park yesterday.

It looked very promising.

There was this beautiful courtyard area to the side as we were walking into the restaurant.

Then the inside of the place was just beautiful.

It was big and open.

With walls of windows that looked out onto the golf course.

Just a bit of a closer up to try to show the view.

There was a patio with seating so you know that's where we opted to sit.

My Honey.
 I love this picture of him!

Checking out the menu.

I was just loving it, the weather was perfect, the scenery was gorgeous.

It was totally my vibe - I swear I could have sat there all night.

And look at that sky - gorgeous.

They had this appetizer that was feta cheese warmed up with honey and some roasted vegetables and pita.
We both loved it.

I ordered a burger with fries.

Jason had the beef dip.

We just ate slowly and thoroughly just enjoyed our surroundings - it was kind of magical.

It's so green and lush down here and just up the hill it's a desert.

We sat there as long as we could that seemed appropriate then we went for a little walk over towards the golf course itself.

Looking back at the patio area.

A little further away so you could see the whole area.

The big teepee was up on the top of the hill.

There were some deer on the golf course having an evening snack

This one wanted some of the fruit from the tree and stood right up on its hind legs to get some.
It did it several times as we stood there and watched.

There was a nice driving range there.
The whole golf course looked really nice - if I were a golfer I'd want to golf here.

Looks like it is a family business.

Some of the beautiful homes we could see up the hill.

We were both pretty tuckered after our supper so we just decided to go back to the room.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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