Sunday 24 September 2023

Hat Weather is Here (Sep.20, 2023)

I briefly considered going to lunch with Nadine and Bonnie but Bonnie had plans and just as well because I wanted to get my run over with at lunch time.

I had to run 5k today - got that done.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

I feel like I'm improving - the run felt good.
Notice that it is hat weather now.
One thing I noticed is that my glasses fog up when I'm wearing a hat so I need to remember to put contacts in when I'm going out for runs and need a hat.

We had some really strong winds the other day - luckily we didn't lose all the leaves off the trees but we did lose some.
I'd like them to stick around for as long as possible - just makes it feel more like Autumn to me.

Just some of the nice yellow trees in town.

After work Miss Freya wanted to come over for a visit.
She saw dill pickles in the fridge and wanted one.
She ate it then wanted another and she wanted to get it herself so I got her a fork and let the room for 1 minute.

When I came back she had taken 6 or 7 pickles out of the jar and was asking for a bowl.
I told her that was enough but in true Freya fashion she wanted to get 'just one more Grandma'.
I let her and she did indeed eat all of them.

I got my Autumn/Halloween decorations put out.

Jason picked up this creepy PennyWise light up figurine actually for Freya but we decided it would be a bit too scary for her to have in her bedroom so it's become part of our Halloween decor.

I got two more ghosties made to take to the store.

I decided to keep this one for me because I tried to decoupage a Halloween image on the stand part from the Roycycle Halloween paper I got today in the mail.

But you can't really see it against the black - I should have put it on a white stand.
Something to keep in mind if I do anymore.

I needed a few more steps when Jason got home from work so we went out for a bit of a walk.

I had put a coat of black paint on this wood that Nadine gave me then when we got back, I put a coat of white paint on the front of them.
This was an end table that she had Karl cut in half and I am going to make a couple of signs with them.
I decided to try the crackle finish method with white glue on one of them - we'll see how it turns out tomorrow - I'm looking forward to seeing.
I was very liberal with the glue and the paint.

Today was a dear ladies birthday who passed away last year and Trina with FCSS where Gloria worked posted a bunch of pictures.
One was with Mom so I saved that one.
Gloria was the sweetest, kindest lady.

This one was from years ago and that is Alivia with her.
She worked with the kids programming and the kiddos adored her.
Seems so unfair when we lose the good ones.

Saw this list posted - wanted to keep it for future reference.
I've actually had Rge Rd on my list of want to tries for some time now, just haven't made it yet.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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