Monday 28 February 2022

Marathon Training Day 4 (Feb.24, 2022)

 It's Thursday, only one more day to go until the weekend and I'm looking forward to it.

Made myself a healthy breakfast.

Looking kind of harsh but I was just testing out my selfie stick.
I couldn't get it to sync yesterday at all but it worked no problem today?
Go figure.

Today's workout was another 3 mile or 5 km easy run and it was another cold, windy, snowy day out there so I headed to my treadmill at lunch time.

Day Four of marathon training.

Took me 44.31 minutes to get the 5 km's done.

Day 4 Work Out complete!

Sweaty selfie.
I can't wait until Jason changes out the light fixture in the basement, right now it is a bit dark down there.

After work, I walked down to the store just to get some extra steps in.

When I got back, Kody and Freya dropped by for a visit.
I always love seeing them.

Freya really wanted to spend the night but I told her she could come tomorrow night and spend the whole weekend so she was ok with that.

Jason and I started watching the Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka documentary, The Ken and Barbie Killers.

I was always kind of aware of the story peripherally but didn't really know the actual details of what happened.
What a horrific story and the fact that she is out running around a free woman after 12 years in prison is just a travesty.
What an injustice.

It is inconceivable that there are people like this out in the world that commit these unimaginable deeds.
How could one human being do this to another?

I think it also sheds some light on the fact that the justice system in Canada is seriously flawed.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Paint Holders (Feb.23, 2022)

 The training plan for today called for a rest or crosstrain day.

However, even though I've started my marathon training, I still want to reach my goal of running at least 1 mile per day and walking 13,000 steps so at lunch I popped onto the treadmill to get my mile in.

I took it pretty easy, took me 14.36 to run the mile.

Stayed on a bit extra to get some steps in too.

Always feels good to get a work out done even if it's an easy one.

Alivia and Hunter wanted to come over for a visit so Adrien dropped them off after work.
They mainly just played on their electronics but it was still nice to see them.

Jason had cut the PVC pipe for me yesterday so I decided to glue it together to make the little storage containers for my paint.
The glue was super stinky - I probably should have done it outside.

I got two different sizes of pipe as I have two different sizes of paint bottles.
I'm happy with how it turned out except that it only fits a fraction of my paint so I'm going to need to get some more pipe.
This will hold about 30 bottles and I have around 87 bottles so I'll need to get 2 more pipes.

Turns out my smaller bottles are different sizes so most of my small bottles wouldn't fit in the smaller diameter pipe.

I went with 1 1/4" pipe but again I'm going to need more pipe and I think I'll up it to 1 1/2" for the next pipe so it will fit all of the smaller bottles.
This pipe was a lot thicker and heavier too than the pipe that I got for the larger bottles so I'm going to see if I can get thinner, lighter pipe next time.

Once I get the rest of the holders made, I think I'll spray paint them white.
All in all, I'm happy with how they turned out.

Haylee posted this, just a girl and her dog.
So cute.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Marathon Training is Officially Underway (Feb.22, 2022)

It was pretty chilly out there today so my first marathon training run will have to be completed inside on my treadmill. 

I'm not hard core enough to run in -18 C weather!

Marathon training officially started yesterday but on the agenda for Day 1 was 'Rest or Crosstrain' so my first marathon training work out actually happened today.
On the schedule was a 3 mile of 5 km easy run.

I decided to document my training, even started a new YouTube channel for it,
I am hoping that it keeps me accountable and also that I can go back in a month or two and be able to really see progress.

Marathon training officially begins.

Easy 5k run.

It ended up being 3.5 miles by the time my warm up and cool down were added in.

I feel really good that marathon training is officially underway.
I know I can do it but there is this little part of me that is worried that I'll get injured or that on marathon day something will happen and I won't be able to finish.
So I'm really going to do my best to follow the training plan and just trust that it will be enough.

Peanut butter, jelly and banana.
Is there a better combo?
I think not!

Looks like she really enjoyed it.
Jason said she mainly ate everything off the wrap and left the wrap behind.
Ha ha.

More experiments with Papa.

This really made me giggle.
The silly things that people say!

My handsome son!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Friday 25 February 2022

Marathon Training Technically Begins (Feb.21, 2022)

 I was so thankful when I woke up this morning that whatever bug I picked up seemed to be gone and my belly was back to normal.

Monday means weigh in day so....

I was 190 right on the nose.

That's down a pound since last week.
Not a huge drop but I'm going in the right direction finally.
Trending down!

We had planned on going to Wct yesterday so I could get some wood to finish up the desk in my office.
Obviously that didn't happen because I was feeling so awful so as today was a holiday for me and I had the day off, we headed there today instead for a quick trip.

My goodness, is wood ever expensive.
I got 6 - 2 x 4'x, 1- 3/8" sheet of plywood, 10' of trim and a 1 1/4" pvc pipe and it came to 170.00, OUCH!
At least I have it now though and I can get going on the desk.

When we got home, I sat down with my calendar and filled out my training schedule.
I'm officially starting training today although today is a Rest/Crosstrain day.

I looked at a few different training plans and ultimately decided to go with the one in the Hanson's Marathon Method book that I've been reading.
It has a few different plans, I decided to go with the "Just Finish" one.
I am not looking to win this race, I just want to finish it.

My hope is that I enjoy it so much that I continue to do marathons and the subsequent ones I run I can work on finishing faster.
We'll see what happens.

The plan is an 18 week plan and I actually have 26 weeks until the marathon so I decided to double up the weeks until it falls in with the timeline of the marathon.
So basically I'll be doing week 1 twice, week 2 twice etc, right up to week 8 which I'll do twice as well and after that, I'll just have to do each week once.

I'm a newbie so I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not but I wanted to get started on training right away so I'm hoping it works out - I can't see that it will hurt anything so I'm just going to go for it.

Even though the training plan called for today to be a rest day, I still plan on running my 1 mile each day and getting my 13,000 steps in so I popped onto the treadmill to do that.
I went at a very easy pace so it took me 15.02 to get the 1 mile in.

I had to stay on a bit extra (not long) to get the rest of my steps in.

Always feels good to get a workout done even if it's an easy one.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Outdoor Run and Ramen (Feb.19, 2022)

I was kind of excited that it was nice enough to head outdoors for a run today.


All geared up in my new top I picked up yesterday, it's bright orange and I just love the color.

Of course I had to wear my mask inside of the hotel but that will be coming off as soon as I get outside.

Jason and I split up once we got outside - he headed to the river valley and I headed up Jasper Ave.
I planned on doing 5 k, just an out and back run but tried to get closer to the river on the way back and kept hitting dead ends and having to backtrack so ended up doing just over 7k.
It felt good to be out there!

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
A little higher than what I'd gotten down to but that's ok.

Took some selfies when I got back to the room.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

We noticed a Farrows just near our hotel so while I jumped in the shower, Jason walked over there to get us some breakfast.
He sent me a picture of the options so I could tell him what to order me.

I went with the Grick and it was pretty good.

We went and did some grocery shopping and made a few other stops then decided to get some lunch/supper before hitting the highway for home.

We opted for ramen at our favorite place, Kazoku.

Get in my belly!


He was just as stoked about the ramen as I was.
We have never been disappointed with the ramen here.

They had this dessert which we'd never noticed on the menu before so not sure if it was a new item or what?
It had match ice cream, orea cookie, red beans and graham cracker crumbs.
Sounded good to us so we shared one.

As you can see, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Freya had spent the night last night in Barrhead at Haylee's Grandparents and Kody asked if we could pick her up on our way through so we did.
We were so happy to see her as always.

When we got back to the house, Jason set this tent up in the basement for he and Freya to play in.

She loved it, her own little fort.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!