Wednesday 1 December 2021

Outdoor Run and Sepp's (Nov.26, 2021)

 I had planned to work all day from the hotel room but decided last minute to just work the morning and take the afternoon off.

It was really nice out today so after I finished up for the day, I headed for a run outdoors.
I did 7.67 k and it felt really good.

The exercise details.

It's nice to see that average pace back in the 6's again.
It was so warm that I didn't have to worry about ice so I felt comfortable to run a bit faster.

Jason had left a bit earlier and ran from the hotel room down to the river valley then over to Sepp's and I met him there.
(He ran right around 22k today)
I have been looking forward to a Sepp's pizza for a while now so I was super excited.

We each had a couple slices in the car when we got them - I wanted to have them while they were still warm.
This one has capers on it - so good.

Then of course we always get the double pepp which is our favorite.

We got bubble tea's at PresoTea too and they were also delicious.

After we ate, we dropped over to the mall to shop a bit.
The truck we parked next to had this decal on the window and I thought it was hilarious.

By the time we got back to the hotel, Kody, Haylee, Crystal, Freya and Zepplyn had all arrived.
Crystal had both kids down in the pool so Jason and I joined them.
The kids just love the pool and we stayed in there almost until it closed at 11.

Both girls wanted to come and visit us in our room afterwards.

Freya ended up staying the night in our room with us.

Silly selfie with Papa and Grandma.

Kody posted this cute oldie of Freya - it seems like only yesterday yet so long ago at the same time if that makes sense.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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