Thursday 16 December 2021

Christmas Lunch and Dentist (Dec.15, 2021)

We were having a get together at the office today for Christmas - a Christmas lunch, and I had a few meetings, one before and one after, so I was up early to get ready. 

It was super cold out there today and we got another dump of snow so I had to start the car early and let it warm up a bit and I also had to do some shoveling.
My hair froze while I was out there but it had melted by the time I took this picture.

I headed to the office and had a meeting at 11 then when it was over, it was time for lunch.

Shennelle ordered chinese food for us, everyone is lined up waiting their turns to get some food.

We work with such gentlemen, they let the ladies go first.

Calvin, Bob and Shennelle.

Blair, Dan and Larry.

Tom, Tim and Sharon.

Calvin, Bob, Shennelle and Bonnie.

John - ha ha - he wasn't in to getting his picture taken I guess.

Selfie with Blair - had to get a picture of myself too.

It was really nice to see everyone and catch up a bit.
It's been so long.

I never would have believed that we'd still be working from home at this point - I thought we'd be back to some kind of normal long before now.
Will we ever have normal again?

I figured this year that all the Christmas parties would be back - unfortunately not - maybe next year!

I had to skip out of the lunch while everyone was still visiting to have a meeting with Cam and then as soon as that was done, I was off to Whitecourt for a dentist appointment.

I just got a filling fixed and he did it was a laser, no freezing - I'm not sure if it's a new thing or what.
It didn't hurt but it was a bit cold.

I went and did a bit of shopping after my appointment and then it was back home for me.
I had to log in and do a bit of work.
There was an issue with a webex meeting training session today - a bunch of people couldn't get logged in.
The last session of the year is tomorrow so I had to re-register a bunch of them tonight so they'd be ready to take the training tomorrow.
I got it all done though - everyone should be good to go tomorrow I hope.

When Jason got home from work, we watched some One Bite Pizza Reviews and then it was beddie bye time.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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