Thursday 16 December 2021

Weigh In Day and Donair Rolls (Dec.13, 2021)

Weigh In Day! 

I was 186 lbs.

I have not been tracking nor have I been being very careful about what I'm eating so the fact that I was exactly the same as last week was a good thing.

I am kind of resigned to the fact that I'm going to be having treats from now until Christmas and that I'll likely gain a few pounds before it's all over.

I don't want to go totally crazy so I'm still going to get runs in when I can but suffice to say that things will be a little lax until January when I plan an going at it strong again with renewed enthusiasm.

Totally me - winter, summer, doesn't matter.
If I'm sitting on the couch, I have a blanket on me.

Are real people actually this insensitive?
The response is pure genius!

Saw these on Facebook and thought it would be a great craft to make with the kids.

After work tonight, some of the family came over to help make donair fingers.

Morgan and Freya hard at work.

Morgan gave her a tutorial.

Taking it all in.

Ultimately, Freya made them her own way.
She invented a new thing - donair balls.
They actually tasted pretty good.

Kody is becoming a pro.

The crew taking a break.

Freya's smile though.

We got about 6 dozen done before we ran out of egg roll wrappers.
I got more at the store but they were frozen so once they thaw, I'll do up the rest.
I think I have enough meat left to make a dozen more or so.

I got Freya to pose like the kids on the little sleigh craft.

It took a couple of attempts.

I think this one will work though.

We all hung out and visited for a bit which was really the best part for me.
I don't care about the donair rolls really, I just like having the family around.

Little miss was starting to get tired.
She spent the night and we weren't long going to be after everyone left.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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