Friday 3 December 2021

Beauty and The Grinch, Glow and Woodshed Burgers (Nov.27, 2021)

 We had tickets for the dinner theater at 11 am so Jason and I both wanted to get out and get our runs done first thing.

I dropped Freya back off to her Mom and Dad.
I bought her a new dress to wear to the show and she had to carry (drag) it to the room herself.

It was cold and icy outdoors so I opted to hop on the treadmill at the hotel gym.
Jason is braver than I and went outside anyway.

I really like the treadmill at the gym - I got a good workout in.

There was a giant mirror in the gym so I figured I'd take some selfies.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

We met everyone over at Jubilations - there was a huge line up, I'm not sure why.
They seemed to be late getting started.

Wearing her new little dress I picked up for her - it's so cute.

We were supposed to be seated separately but there was a mix up and they sat us all together at someone else's table.
Once they realized, we had already kind of gotten settled so they just left us there and put the other party somewhere else so that worked out well for us.

Crystal and Zepplyn.

Kody, Haylee and Freya.

She was too busy coloring to look at me for a picture.

I tried to get all of us in a selfie - notice Freya still wouldn't look, ha ha.


We had a pretty good view of the stage.

Making herself a 'coffee'.

They came out and sang a song before the show got started and Freya was all about doing the actions.

She made sure Mommy was doing them too!

The show we were seeing was Beauty and the Grinch.
At the beginning, the Grinch would just peak his head out of the two doors on the stage and the kids would all just go crazy trying to tell the rest of the cast where he was.
It was cute.

She just loved the Grinch (Mr Ginch as she called him) and was trying to get his attention all throughout the show.

Me and my girl.

Me and my girl and my boy!

There's a better one of Jason.

Waiting for her turn to meet Mr Grinch.


Ha ha - the actor did a great job - he was very Grinchy.

Beauty came over to meet the girls too and Freya thought that was just great.
We couldn't get her to look at us because she was looking at Beauty so adoringly.

Tried for a group shot again.

Just can never get everyone to look at the same time.

Hoping third time was a charm - it wasn't!
Ha ha.

It was cold in there and I had to put my coat back on, I was freezing.
The show was pretty good - the kids enjoyed it.
It was a bit long for Freya and she lost interest near the end so she came and sat with me.

I did take her to the washroom at one point while the actors were all on stage and she was yelling out Mr Grinch all the way across the room.
I think if I'd let her, she'd have gone right up on the stage to see him.

After the show, we said we'd watch the girls while the others shopped.

We took them for a ride on the little train in the mall.
I was the lucky adult they picked to go with them.

It just goes around the one end of the mall for a few minutes but it's fun for a kid.

Checking out all the stores as we go by them.


Walking around on the whale.

This whale has been at the mall for years - it's just been moved around a bit.

We walked around the mall a bit but it was just packed so we left the others there to shop and headed back to the hotel.

We had snacks with the girls and played a bit.
I thought Freya might have a nap but she didn't.

Then we got ready to head out to another event, Glow.
We had tickets for 6 pm.

The girls posing with the snowman.
This was out in the lobby.

Haylee and the girls.

When you first walk in, this is what you see - lights everywhere.

This is looking the other way.

Santa and his reindeer had a little spill.

I think Santa bumped his head.

This deer is upside down.

This tunnel of lights was so cool.

Light tunnel selfie.

This hot air balloon was so cool.

A few other little hot air balloons.

I loved this giant ornament - wish I could build one of them for my yard.

Just checking things out.

There was a Cinderella carriage being pulled by reindeer.

Crystal and Zepplyn.

There were just the scenes everywhere.

Santa with his side car.

Santa's ride or die!

Getting the boot, ha ha.

I just had to pose with the wings.

She's the real angel.

Now Crystal and Zepplyn are getting the boot.

Can't get Freya though!

There were lots of spots to pose for pictures and Freya was all about it.

Cool ocean scene.

Dolphin close up.

There were a couple of planes.

They looked really good.

There was a scavenger hunt for reindeer.
As you walked through, you were meant to look for the reindeer then stamp your card at the station when you found them.
Here's Dasher.

Next up was these hanging lights and picture frames.

So cool.

Of course the girls just wanted to run through them but apparently that wasn't allowed.

So they walked through instead.

It does look so neat.

Freya and Zepplyn.

Freya and Mommy.




The first frame was too big so I made him pose for me again.

It really does look so cool but they get all tangled together and the staff have to go in there and untangle them - so I guess I understand why they don't want the kids running.

Jason and I.

There was an area that had some food trucks and vendors.

They sold these little gingerbread men decorating kits so I bought the girls each one.

Very carefully placing the candies on her cookie.

Decorating gingerbread men at Glow.

My Honey and I.

The finished product!

Sharing a sausage with Mommy Lady and the Tramp style.

They got glowing drink containers.

She also got cotton candy which she was so proud of.
She was running around showing it to everyone.

She wanted me to hold it up so she could eat from it like this - crazy kid!

They had the same glowing round swings that we'd seen at Spark in Calgary.

Daddy gave her a push!

They had a little market in there too that Jason and I checked out - wasn't much in there that interested me.
We'd both opted not to eat at the food trucks in Glow and we were both kind of hungry by this point so we left everyone at Glow and headed out to look for a place to go eat.

We decided to try out Woodshed Burgers.

It was on 124th and there was this little park there with the trees all decorated for Christmas.
I love the big ball lights in the trees.

The little fairy lights in the trees were nice too.
So pretty.

I saw this place on social media where you can eat in these ball things outside - kind of neat.
It wasn't where we ate though.

We went to Woodshed Burgers.

There were murals on the walls that were cool.

I like.

We shared a double chocolate milkshake - it was yummy.

We each had a burger - I had the monthly special, it had bacon jam on it.
It was fantastic.
This is the first burger I've ever had in Canada that was cooked medium rare and it makes such a difference.

Jason had their blue cheese burger, it had bacon and arugula on it.
Also fantastic.

We shared some crispy brussels sprouts.

They have cookie sandwiches for dessert - it said on the menu to ask the server for the special and she told us that they were all out unfortunately.

Then as we were finishing up, they brought this out to us.

It was chocolate cookie with pumpkin spice ice cream.
They said they'd just made them and the ice cream hadn't hardened yet so they weren't going to charge us for it which was so nice of them.
It was delicious as well.
We will definitely be back!

When we got back to the hotel, we went to the pool with the girls.

She figured out that she could stand in the shallow end and she thought that was wonderful.

Just hanging with Papa in the pool.

Crystal and Zepplyn.
I think we stayed in the pool pretty much until it closed at 11 again.
If that is all we did in the city I think the girls would have been just fine with that.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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