Wednesday 29 December 2021

Birthday Lunch and Baking Complete (Dec.21, 2021)

I got together with the girls for lunch today to celebrate Sharon's birthday. 

She picked Sammy's so that is where we went.
Nadine joined us.

I really wanted french fries but thought my belly would appreciate a healthy salad more.
So Greek salad it was and it was good.

Kody and Haylee both had to work so I had an assistant again today for making the rest of my meat pies.

She just loves getting into the thick of things.
There was flour everywhere but we had fun.

I ended up making 8 turkey and pork pies and 5 ground beef ones.
Christmas baking is done!

I saw some more cute little popsicle stick sleds.
These are a little fancier than what I plan on making but I just thought they were so cute.

These are some good ideas for just painting on anything really.

Jason posted this picture of him and Freya playing backpack.
I love their sweet relationship.

When I was younger, I was always trying to sneak a way to stay up later and now I mostly can't wait to lay my head down on the pillow at the end of the night.

This just made me giggle.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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