Tuesday 14 December 2021

Happy Birthday Dad and Christmas Get Together (Dec.12, 2021)

Today is my Dad's birthday so I called him first thing when I got up.

I knew I was going to be busy and I didn't want to forget.

I only realized later that it was his 70th birthday today.

Here he is when he first joined the military - I think he was only around 18 here.

My mom, dad and I am not sure who the baby is.

A family picture from the early 80's.

Another one of my dad when he was very young, early 20's.

He's a guitar player - there are lots of pictures of him with a guitar in his hands over the years.

I spent the day cleaning and preparing for our get together tonight.
It was nice enough out to go for a run so I made sure I got out there.

I did just over 6k.
It was such a nice day and I really enjoyed my run.
If I didn't have so much to do, I would have went longer.
It was one of those runs that reminds you why you like to run.

My running details.

My average pace and stats were up but that was to be expected - the first part I was on the highway and it was clear but then when I got back in town, the roads are now and ice covered so I had to go slower and be careful.

Our company was expected at 5pm and everyone arrived right on time.

Bonnie, Nadine, Karl, June, Jason, Me and Jordy.

Jordy and Sharon swapped out so that Sharon could be in the picture.

I totally forgot to take a picture of everything when we first set it all out so by the time I remembered, we'd made quite a dent in things.

These are some of the appetizers Jason made, jalapeno poppers, smoked trout on crackers, Santa's big sausage which was a homemade italian sausage with mortadello, pesto sauce and wrapped in bacon, and fried baby elves which were spicy pimento cheese wrapped in Mexican sausage coated in doritos and deep fried.

It was all fantastic.

I made my taco dip that I always make.

Nadine and Karl.
Everyone was excited about trying all the food.

Sharon and Bonnie.

June and Jordy.
Jordy is their son-in-law and he stays with them when he works so I told them to bring him along.

After we ate for a bit, we moved to the living room for presents.

Bonnie had hers wrapped so nicely.

My friends know what I like.
Bonnie gave me this wooden tree that she made.

This gorgeous white cone tree.

And this little girl that I just love.

Sharon gave me this witch girl that someone hand made - her face is hand painted and it's so detailed, they did such a good job.

Then Nadine gave me this gorgeous angel.
I loved all of my gifts.
I gave them each a side table that Jason and I made - I think they liked them.

Kody and Freya stopped by to visit before everyone left.
We basically ate and visited for a bit then everyone headed home.
Next year I want to plan a bit better and play some games.

After everyone left, I remembered about the online games we'd played last year at Christmas with my family - those would have been fun - wish I'd thought of them sooner.

Freya ended up staying the night with us since we didn't have her on the weekend.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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