Friday 10 December 2021

Somebody Said a Bad Word (Dec.9, 2021)

Just a normal day of working from my home office today.

Haylee is starting a new job at the bar in town tonight and Kody was still at work so she dropped Freya off around 3:30.

Jason is feeling better now so I think she'll spend the night tonight. 

Jason and Freya were playing.

She always tells him what they are playing and what they have to do.
He captured this funny moment.

She is kind of obsessed about with bad words lately, this one in particular.
It's hard not to laugh.

After this happened, Jason came in my office and showed me the video and she said "I didn't say it, my baby did".
It was so funny.

After work I hopped on the treadmill to get a work out in.

I've been feeling really guilty because I haven't been tracking and I've not been running outside so I just want to get a really good work out in.

I gave it my all - ran at a 5.5 for about 5 minute straight.

It was tough.

I had a bit of a breather at a 3.0 then I ramped up to 5.0 and stayed there for the rest of the workout.

I really got my sweat on today and it felt awesome.

Then I got to hang out with my little sweetheart for the rest of the night!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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