Friday 10 December 2021

The Tree is in the House (Dec.8, 2021)

Jason is feeling much better today so he went for a walk this morning and stopped by to visit Freya.
He asked if she could come by for a visit so shortly after he got home, Kody dropped her off.

They came into my office to visit me and Jason read her a story.

While I was working this morning, Jason was working too, on "Operation Christmas Tree".

He was successful and the Christmas tree is in the house.
He and Freya worked together to get the mesh cut off and we just left it so the branches would drop down and settle.

We got a boatload of snow last night and it was blowing around all over the place.
It was still blowing but I decided to go out at lunch and shovel anyway.
It's a good way to get some exercise and fresh air and even if it blows back in some, it will still be easier to shovel later if I have to.

After work, Kody and Haylee dropped by to pick up Freya - Zepplyn was over so they wanted the girls to play together.

I wanted to make these magic squares that my Grandma always used to make so I asked my family if anyone had the recipe and my Aunt Linda hooked me up.

So right after work I got busy and made a batch.
They were so easy to make!

Then I decided to get my reindeer crack done.
I had a giant bowl full of goodies.

I wasn't sure if I had enough chocolate to coat all of it but it turned out to be enough.

I got four baking sheets of it.
This stuff is so addictive.

The tree had settled so I got started on putting on the lights.
I didn't plan on getting it completed tonight.

I did though - Jason helped me and I think it turned out really nicely.

I saw this idea on Facebook today and think it's such a great one that I want to do it myself.
This teacher took the height measurements of all her students then cut a board to each specific height.
She then let the students paint their board and add the eyes and buttons with their fingertips.

Then she added these little cards to each of them.
What a nice momento.
I'd like to do this with Hunter, Freya, Alivia and Zepplyn.

Haylee took Freya to get Christmas pictures done the other day and they're ready.
They turned out so well.

She curled her hair and it looks so cute.

She looks so grown up.

Haylee was watching Hunter so he got in the pictures too which is awesome because they are such good buddies.

Best buds.

Reading a story.

Santa was even there.
Freya likes Santa but she would only talk to him from a distance, she wouldn't sit on his lap.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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