Wednesday 29 December 2021

Christmas Parcels are in the Mail (Dec.20, 2021)

 Monday means weigh in day.

Even though I've been eating whatever I want and not tracking points at all, I knew I was going to be up but I still want to keep weighing in anyway.

I was 191 lbs.
As suspected, I was up.

Up 5 lbs from last week in fact - which is a lot and a bit scary.
I am going to get right back on track as soon as Christmas is over though - 100%

I got down to the post office on my lunch break and sent parcels out to my dad and my sister.
I know they won't make it before Christmas but at least they are on the way.

Next year I really want to make sure to get their parcels mailed out in plenty of time so they have them for Christmas.
Another goal for the year to add to my list.

When I got back to the house, I shoveled for the rest of my lunch hour - winter is just beginning and I'm already sick of shoveling snow.
At least it's a good workout so there is a silver lining I guess.

I made pie crusts after work and put them in the fridge to set for the night.
I'll finish up the meat pies tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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