Wednesday 29 December 2021

Christmas Baking and Family Game Night (Dec.19, 2021)

I was hoping to get up early this morning and get started on some baking before Freya got up but she woke up the same time as me so that just means I'll have help. 

She wanted spicy noodles for breakfast.
I had to bring her table up from my gift wrapping station too for her to eat it at.
She refused to sit at the big table.

I tried a new to me recipe, chocolate peppermint cookies.
We got some in a basket at work one year and they were soft and chewy and delicious and I've been thinking about them so wanted to try my hand at them.

Miss Freya helped me add the ingredients and stir.

They didn't turn out exactly like the ones I'd had but they were good.

My assistant got a little bit of chocolate on her, not too bad though.

Next up, I made meat pies.
These are the turkey and pork ones, I ran out of shortening and I still have lots of meat left so I'm going to have to finish up maybe tomorrow.
I also want to make a few with ground beef.

My final bake for today, haystack or no-bake cookies - these are a family favorite.
They are so delicious.

We had a bit of a rest after all that work.
Freya was tuckered.

The family came over after supper to hang out and play games.

A nice one of Kody and Freya.

Hunter has turned into quite the little dancer

Showing us all how he can twerk!

Freya just loves Hunter and Livla as she calls her - sounds so cute.
It was pretty much impossible to get a picture with them all looking and smiling.

These were the best I could do.

Rob and Adrien.
We played a couple of games on Jackbox TV.
We were hoping to try to play with Ethan and Declan but they were gone with their Dad for the night.
Maybe one night over the Christmas break.

I love having everyone over - I keep saying we should do it more then we never do.
One of my goals next year is to plan family game nights and to follow through!

Jason's niece, Megan, posted some pictures from her wedding today.
Here they are cutting the cake.

I included this one because Jason and I both happened to be in the picture.
Her pictures turned out beautifully.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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