Friday 10 December 2021

Weigh In Day (Dec.6, 2021)

Monday means weigh in day.

I was 186 lbs.

That's up 3 since last weigh in.
I haven't been tracking at all.
I want to get back to it and I will.

I got up early and soaked in a nice bath for a while.
Saw this cut wreath made out of cupcakes, I thought it was a cute idea.

Morgan and I went into the city today to go shopping.
We left town around 7:30, got to the city around 10.

We stopped at Costco first then a few other spots before I dropped her off at the mall.
I had a meeting at 1 pm that I didn't want to miss so I drove over to the St Albert office to log in for it.
I got there, logged and and found out that the meeting had been cancelled.
Bummer - drove all that way for nothing.
Gave me more time to shop though.

I headed back to the mall to pick Morgan back up.
We did a bit more shopping then decided to go for something to eat at a restaurant in Spruce Grove.

It ended up being closed though so we just decided to get some pizza.

You could only take it out though so we sat in the car to eat it.
Then we headed back home.

I hopped on the treadmill when I got home to get a run and and get the rest of my steps in.

I know it was a good workout because I was good and sweaty by the end of it.

Jason is on the mend, he was feeling a bit better tonight.
I'm so glad, I hate seeing him be sick.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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