Wednesday 29 December 2021

Fun with Freya (Dec.17, 2021)

 I spent a bit of time researching how to make sleighs out of popsicle sticks and found this one that looked to be fairly simple so I took some screenshots so I wouldn't forget.

It had all the sizes I would need listed.

Then I just wanted a shot of how it looked when it is done for reference.

Not sure how hard it will be to cut popsicle sticks, hopefully not too hard.

I popped on the treadmill on my lunch hour and got a good run in.
I really miss running outdoors and I feel like I haven't been running as much as I should be so getting this in felt good.

Just love getting a good sweat on!

Kody and Haylee had to go do some Christmas shopping so they dropped Freya off.
She wanted a bubba and to snuggle on the couch and she fell asleep almost immediately.
So I just sat there and held her while she slept.
She's just growing up so fast, not sure how much longer I'll be able to do this with her.

She woke up when Papa got home from work and wanted to play backpack with him.

Basically he puts her in his backpack and carries her around and she just loves it.
(they both do).
Kody and Haylee did come pick her up after the finished their shopping.
Hopefully she didn't stay up all night for them seeing as she had a nap so late in the day.

Declan sent me this cute picture of him as a Christmas turkey.
This is totally a rule of ours when we go on vacation - or anywhere really!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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