Friday 3 December 2021

Christmas Curtains (Dec.1, 2021)

Haylee ended up being sick this morning so she wasn't able to take Freya to school.
I don't have a car seat for her so I couldn't either.
I need to get a car seat for situations like this.

She wanted to call Papa - of course they started playing with filters right off the bat.
Jason looks super creepy with the moustache!

Haylee did end up coming to pick up Freya at 10 which was good because she was really stuck to me this morning so it was hard to get work done.

I ended up working late and then after work, I decided to make some curtains for my kitchen window.

It took a long time, I think it was 8 when I finished up but I got them all done.

I've had this fabric for years so I'm glad I finally found something to do with it
I love how they turned out and they'll be great for Christmas but I'll need to make some more for after Christmas.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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