Friday 3 December 2021

WCSS Conference and Ramen (Nov.29, 2021)

I had my annual WCSS conference today.

We didn't have it last year due to Covid so I was looking forward to seeing everyone.

Normally it is held at the Fantasy Land hotel in West Edmonton Mall but this time they moved it to the River Cree.

Since I was going to be tied up all day, Jason went for another long run down to the River Valley from the River Cree Casino.
He sent me this picture - it was another gorgeous day out there.

I had wanted to get a run in at the gym before the conference but the gym at the hotel was closed so I wasn't sure how I was going to fit a run in.
I didn't want to go out running in the dark.

Luckily, we finished up at 4pm so I changed into my running clothes and headed right out for my run to catch the last bit of daylight.

I just did kind of an out and back on the road by the casino.
It felt good and I probably could have went longer but there wasn't really any shoulder and it was dark by the time I finished up so I just called it a day.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
In the 6's again - love it.

Afterwards I headed back to the room, changed and headed to the social for the conference.

There was lots of appetizers - the theme was food truck.

There were mini doughnuts.

There was banok with jam.

Mini sliders

Fried mac and cheese.

Salmon sliders.

I had a little bit of everything.

I sat and visited with everyone for a bit then I headed over to pick up Jason.

He had run down to the River Valley then back towards the mall.
When he got to 21k, he walked the rest of the way and had been hanging out at the mall warming up ever since.

He was hungry and ready for a treat so when I picked him up, we headed to Kazuko Ramen for supper.

I thought the appetizers would have hindered my appetite but they didn't at all and the ramen was so delicious.
It always is there - we've never been disappointed.

Jason picked me up a treat at the Italian Market, a pistachio filled pastry similar to a croissant.
OMG - it was fantastic!

We headed back to the room and I was tired so hopped in bed and watched some Food Network.
Jason went down to the casino for a bit and ended up winning $270.00

Haylee posted some pictures from the weekend that I thought I would share.

Freya in front of the wings.

Haylee and Crystal got a picture of their eyes at the Glow market - I think it looks pretty cool.

She also got a new mask - it's so cute!

Freya was so proud of her cotton candy.

Posing with the Santa at Glow.

Haylee with the hanging photo frame.

Me with the angel wings.

Santa's ride or die!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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